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Fri 1st Jul 2022 09:15


by Shady King of Theives

Shady wakes up in Connors bed, he is still out cold. She decides to use his shower. He wakes up, and they both have a bit of fun in the shower. They both are in very good moods, have donuts for breakfast and Connor takes her to school.
When they get to the school, Shadys mother and her friends are already there. Mom explains that there is a pest problem that needs to be resolved, school is closed today and asks Connor would mind having Shady over another night. Once away from Connor mom explains someone tried to come for Sophia, mom took care of it but the house is a mess. She packed a bag and gives it to Shady, Shady leaves with Connor. They decide to go to the phoenix museum. Shady discovers the Skieros section and has a blast taking pictures of everything.
After the museum they go to lunch. Shady notices another scion is nearby watching them. She discreetly takes a picture and texts Thom and Roisin if they know this guy. Roisin says it is her Half brother Morrie. He has recognized Connor. Shady sees that heading home, Morrie is following them. She exhanges more texts with Thom & Roisin. Thom takes his bike, drives out to where they are, has Shady distract Connor so that he will continue to drive home. Thom drives towards Morrie, jumps off the bike with daggers ready, jumping in the car as it hits the bike and explodes. Shady is freaked out and continues to try to distract Connor. Roisin sends her family to help Thom. After a nervous wait she gets a message from Thom he is ok. She is still very shaken by this and reminded of how devoted Thom is.
Connor and Shady head to the local wrestling promotion and meet with Sam and Roisin. They talk, and Roisin suggests Shady could sneak out to go see Thom if she is quick, which Shady does. Shady is still shook by everything that happened and has conversation with Thom. Shady does not like that her protege is in dangers way and feels like she should have run when she had the chance but it's too late now. She goes back to her date with Connor and starts to feel better about everything. They leave, go home and cuddle. Shady has a nice dream about stealing things in a ballroom with Connor and wakes.