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Mon 20th Jun 2022 08:20

4th Day of School

by Shady King of Theives

Shady wakes up a normal sunny day. Mom is not home in the morning from "druid stuff". She makes it to school as usual however she notices 3 boys that are monitoring Connor, and remembering that some one is trying to sabotage Connor she keeps an eye on them. No one else seems to really notice them. Shady approaches them and discovers they are to protect Connor and all indeed good guys, all named Jim. She calls mom, mom states that they are wild spirits she gave form to. Shady now has Followers. Shady is relieved they are not a danger and texts Gerd to notify her about them. After school Connor comes over, they swim and flirt. They all have dinner together with mom, and later get to second base in Shadys room. They loose time in their making out, however Connor leaves for the night. Shady checks her social media and sees Connor has changed his states to 'in a relationship" and after texting him she changes her status too. Shady goes to sleep in his hoodie and dreams about them being characters in Grease.