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Mon 20th Jun 2022 08:12

3rd day of School

by Shady King of Theives

Shady has a wet dream of being with Connor and wakes up. She's still all up in her emotions about kissing him, knows he wants to kiss her before school and over thinking everything. She texts Roisin on what she should wear. Roisin & Donar make it rain so Shady can rook Connor into taking her home. She talks with mom, gets ready for school and leaves with Roisin. At school Connor does indeed kiss her again and they hold hands, hug at his locker. He walks her to home room. In Homeroom Shady gets some death glares from her competition, Sam takes note of it. They make it through class, Sam & Connor sneak out of study hall and they go to lunch.
The day proceeds normally, and after school Connor takes Shady to his place. They kiss and get interrupted making out, and go out on their date. They meet with Sam & Roisin at the Sport O Plex and go in to see local wrestling. Xui and Midori are there as well. Shady realizes she knows one of the wrestlers murderess extraordinaire Alexandrya Josephine AJ Walters, who is Sams mother. Shady is frightened and AJ speaks alone to her. AJ laughs at Shady being a teenager & askes why so many scions are in town. Shady explains what is going on. They leave amicably and Connor takes Shady home. they have a kiss goodnight. Mom leaves to go do "druid stuff" and will not be back in the morning. Shady checks her social media and goes to bed.
Shady has another dream of older Connor, who has not had the terrible thing happen to him yet. When she wakes Heimdalr is there. they have a short conversation. He tells her the future isn't set in stone, she might not be the one to win the contest and marry Connor. He does tell her that 1. they will always have each others hearts and 2. Someone is trying to sabotage Connor. They are trying to mess with the timeline, sway him from his path or kill him. Shady promises to help. She will not remember the conversation when she wakes from her dreaming, but she will have the remaining information that someone is trying to sabotage Connor and this is not going to be a quick shot gun wedding.