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Thu 16th Jun 2022 09:01

2nd day of school

by Shady King of Theives

Shady begins her 2nd day of school with a cold shower to calm herself from a steamy dream. She gets up and gets ready for school. Mom tells her she will be out that night & there's leftovers. Roisin brings her to school on account of the rain. Sam & Connor get wet in the rain. When taking off the hoodie Connor has a wrist/arm wrap with a stone on it Shady has not noticed before. The competition continue to try to get Connors attention. Connor continues to want to hide. Outside class Shady & Roisin are approached by the competition, first accusing Shady of cheating, then insulting Roisin suggesting she is a threat to Connor. The commotion is halted by the appearance of Valkyrie Avery. Avery states Connor is protected from social boons/knacks by his father & tells everyone to break it up. Shady & Roisin run away off campus and go pick up lunch while they are out. Roisin calms down, they bring lunch back to school to eat with Sam and Connor. Connor offers to take Shady home from school.
Shady takes her first Art class and is stuck my her own talent. Some of her competitors come to tell her they weren't interested in fighting her. She ditches Study hall, her last class to meet up with Connor. Connor takes her home. Shady shows him the pool and they soak their feet. It is awkward and they both are unsure of what to say to each other. Shady tries to flirt and flatter Connor, he doesn't believe her. When asked what it would take for him to believe her, he says it would take a kiss. Shady promises to always tell Connor the truth and she kisses him. Shady knows this is 'the one' for her. They go inside, have dinner, watch TV on the couch. Shady ruminates about the kiss. Mom comes home, they hang out a bit longer. He kisses her and she is flooded with all the feelings again. He leaves. Shady doesn't know what to do with herself, she texts with Riosin and Thom, checks social media. Makes plans to go to Connors house after school, will go on date to see local wrestling.