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Wed 20th Jul 2022 08:19

Leaving Vegas

by Shady King of Theives

Shady wakes up after a nice dream, in Vegas with Connor. He staid awake all night with his newfound power. They talk, make love, then contact Thom about moving their stolen money around. shady finds out Nico torched the place. Shady talks about Thom and Nico with Connor, and Thom comes to pick up the money. They talk more, he takes the money and leaves, and they go for breakfast. They pack, Shady wants pictures of them at a wedding chapel just incase she needs it, and they take some pictures. They drive back to the golden coast. Shady learns from mom school is cancelled all week and Sophia & Jeremy are healing. They arrive back at Connors house and talk more. They go out to the sport plex, meet Sam & Roisin. Midori and Xui also stop by to talk. it is a very entertaining show and after Shady goes to talk with Thom. Connor asks AJ about her hiding her true form, Shady covers her eyes as she reveals her true form to Connor. Shady takes him home to process what he has seen. At home Gerd addresses Connor as 'Lord Connor' and gives him report. When they are alone in his room, Shady and Connor have intimate time together where they pledge their fealty/loyalty to each other. Shady goes to sleep and has nice dreams of the life she wants and will fight for.