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Fri 26th Aug 2022 06:21

weekend training get away

by Shady King of Theives

Connor and Shady wake up from their nap, shag, then Shady and Sylvy get ready for the Gala. They meet the guys and everyone goes to the gala to find the mark (rolfaldo christiani), get his key card and return it. Shady is able to do this easily with Connors help. Eventually they pair off and with Thoms help Sylvy is able to get the mark alone and deliver him to another band. After the gala, they go to the bar, change clothing and break into a private collection to steal a diamond called the eye of odin. They are able to steal the diamond, Connor and Sylvy cover their exit so they are able to get to a get away car. They change clothes in the get away car, and are dropped off at a club to deliver the eye of odin to Minka. Connor and sylvy arrive, everyone meets Minka, then Connor and Shady dance and talk a bit. They decide the rest of the weekend they will pair off to train, Thom/shady, Sylvy /Connor. From there, Thom and Shady run around the city at night. They go to the highest point in the city, then rob some guys who are mugging a woman.
Shady discovers with her new ability she can be more in tune with Thoms movements and anticipate his moves better. They then go to the hotel and shag. They sleep and she dream steps into Thoms dream of when he met her. They wake up, eat and Thom gives her agility training to make her faster. It occurs to Shady that she has been skating by on her talent all this time, and if she worked towards something she could get better at it. She texts Connor to touch base with him, shags Thom and gets back to training. Thom has her chase him thru madrid. They stop at a opera house and sneak in. Shady watches a tragic opera about a thief and a soldier, it seems familiar but she can't place the story. They go back to the bar, spar, shag and she dream steps into Thoms daydream. She continues to shag and train until Sylvy and Connor come back. They take Shady & Connor back to Thoms apartment on the Gold Coast, Connor and Shady walk home. They order dinner, shower, cuddle and watch a Skieros movie. They go to sleep and Shady dream she's in the plot of the movie they watched.