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Tuesday, 31 August 2281

Sickness and Suspicion

by Kyllikki Särkeäkivi

The party journeyed from Izmit across the Saria Sea and through the canals to reach the city of Roi. The causeway leading from the canal to the city gate was extremely crowded, and many people did not look well. Checkpoints were set up all along the bridge, and it seemed that few were allowed in or out of the city. The party were given a piece of paper with a sigil upon passing the first checkpoint, granting permission to travel only in the city's outer ring. In response to the illness running rampant in Roi, the city had ordered a mandatory sunset curfew, and required everyone to cover their mouth and nose with a mask. When asked for their names, most of the party gave false answers, but Kyllikki spoke the truth, too distressed by the discomfort of her mask to attempt a lie.
The party settled at an inn in a nicer part of the city. Eren, Eli, and Mollye left to go shopping. Distressed by too much-sensory input and the separation of the party, Kyllikki found herself caught in a loop of compulsions, and scratched mercilessly at the mark on her wrist in the inn's dining room. The bartender made an off-hand comment to Chiron about Kyllikki being mad or diseased, further upsetting her. Pella ushered her away before they could arouse any more suspicion, and tried to console her. She assured Kylli that the bartender was simply paranoid because of the sickness in the city, and that there was nothing wrong with her. Kylli argued that while the mark on her wrist was relatively new, she had been broken for a long time. Pella reminded her that a stone must be broken as it is being carved, and this, at last, calmed her. Kyllikki gifted her with a piece of granite streaked with fool's gold, while Pella bandaged the re-opened wounds on Kylli's wrist. On Mollye's return, she risked riling Kylli up again, but Pella was able to calm her with a spell. For the first time in many years, Kyllikki found that her mind was quiet, and wasn't sure what to make of the experience.

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  1. Strange Marks, Stranger Company
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  2. A Friend and a Fiend
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  3. Memories of Racine
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  4. Painful Subjects
    Friday, 20 August 2281
  5. Unwelcome Surprises
    Sunday, 22 August 2281
  6. Sickness and Suspicion
    Tuesday, 31 August 2281
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    Wednesday, 1 September 2281
  8. The Hanged Man
    Friday, 3 September 2281
  9. Recovery
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