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Monday, 16 August 2281

Memories of Racine

by Kyllikki Särkeäkivi

Exhausted by their overnight adventure, the party slept until mid-afternoon. Kyllikki woke to find Hecate asleep, worn out from channeling her mother. She overheard a conversation between Eren and Eli, and found herself pushed to the breaking point at the mention of going home and finding someone dead. Overwhelmed by her emotions, she burst into the yard to avoid breaking anything in the shop as she raged. Eli followed and attempted to calm her by asking about her clan.
While the party was fighting Dacey, Nyx mapped out the locations of other potential suites. Kyllikki couldn't make heads or tails of the map, having little experience of the world beyond Racine or Korkeuksissa. The location in the woods appeared to be the most powerful of the four.
Eli and several other members of the party left to go shopping, while Kyllikki remained behind with Sah-Ghan and Pella. Eli offered to buy a set of mason's tools for Kyllikki, and she accepted, though she had not carved anything in fifty years. Kyllikki and Pella got to know each other better, and spoke of their memories of Racine and their missing families. This time, when Kyllikki claimed Pella as a friend, she had a better sense of what the word meant.
Later, when the party had regrouped, they learned that Eren had been Empress Nikoleta's consort, and had served as the royal assassin. He was not in Racine when the city fell. Someone tried to kill him and he lost a year of his life. When he awoke, Nikoleta was dead and Racine had burned to the ground.
After much discussion, the group decided to cross the Saria Sea to reach the crossroads Nyx had marked on the map.

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  1. Strange Marks, Stranger Company
    Saturday, 14 August 2281
  2. A Friend and a Fiend
    Sunday, 15 August 2281
  3. Memories of Racine
    Monday, 16 August 2281
  4. Painful Subjects
    Friday, 20 August 2281
  5. Unwelcome Surprises
    Sunday, 22 August 2281
  6. Sickness and Suspicion
    Tuesday, 31 August 2281
  7. Shattered Stone
    Wednesday, 1 September 2281
  8. The Hanged Man
    Friday, 3 September 2281
  9. Recovery
    Friday, 3 September - Thursday, 21 October 2281
  10. A Warning
    Friday, 22 October 2281
  11. Old Stories
    Friday, 29 October 2281
  12. The Living Past
    Saturday, 30 October 2281
  13. Restless Nights
    Tuesday, 2 November - Monday, 8 November 2281
  14. A Pact
    Wednesday, 17 November 2281
  15. Desecrated Ground
    Thursday, 18 November - Friday 3 December 2281
  16. The Hermit
    Sunday, 5 December 2281
  17. Across the Wastes
    Monday, 6 December 2281 - Sunday, 9 January 2282
  18. Shifting Alliances
    Monday, 10 January - Tuesday, 27 January 2282