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Sunday, 15 August 2281

A Friend and a Fiend

by Kyllikki Särkeäkivi

Waking around noon the day after their harrowing escape from Lord Dacey's estate, the party discussed what they learned. Mollye stole a letter from the Marquess' chambers, where they had found the body of the Marquess Fahim. Dacey was involved in a cult, and the Marquess was concerned for his safety. He tried to remove his son from the will.
Kyllikki learned that Pella is also from Racine, but did not have a chance to ask anything further. She also learned that Erendial had known of her father, Yrjänä. He was commissioned to carve a statue just before the fall of the Empire, but Kyllikki did not remember.
Hecate summoned Nyx again for more information about Dacey. She told the group that Dacey was one of the minor arcana, the vii of Cups. With this knowledge in hand, the party decided to prepare for their return to the Marquess' estate.
Just before Pella, Eren, and Mollye could leave for the harbor in search of assistance, someone came running through the streets with news that the abyss had swallowed Racine. Kyllikki was extremely distressed by this news, fearing for the fate of her father and clan. Eli was the first to extend kindness to her, speaking to her in Dwarvish in an attempt to console her. Kyllikki agreed to sit and talk with her, drawing back from the edge of an explosive rage. She spoke of how her mother's clan had called her yksinäinen barbari, or "lonely barbarian", and how being part of the Court of Eight is almost, but not quite, like having her clan around her again. She taught Eli a song from her childhood while Chiron listened nearby. Kyllikki decided that Eli was a friend, though she doesn't quite understand all the meanings and implications involved.

Pella, Eren, and Mollye returned from the harbor in the evening with the harbormaster, Melker and two burly dwarves, who removed the body of the Marquess from the basement. Leaving their belongings with Nyx for safekeeping, the party headed to the clifftops of Naphio to enter the estate from above. After rappelling down to a balcony, Eren picked the lock on the door and attempted to kill the woman in the bed. Instead, the party was forced to fight the succubus, who charmed and briefly knocked Kyllikki unconscious.
Having arrived back at the kitchens, Kyllikki led the party up the back stairs while Mollye sweet-talked the kitchen staff. An encounter with more guards at the top of the stairs knocked Kyllikki out a second time, and her frustration bubbled over into rage and frustration. Using a necklace gifted to her by Nyx, Eli summoned Hecate's rabbit, Vale, who healed the party.
Back in the workshop from the previous day, the party found Togrim's dissected body on the operating table with Lord Dacey nearby. He transformed into a monster, but the party was able to defeat him. As he died, new marks appear on Mollye and Eren's arms: the number vii. Their work done, the party stole a carriage and returned to Floros' Flickerings just before dawn.

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  1. Strange Marks, Stranger Company
    Saturday, 14 August 2281
  2. A Friend and a Fiend
    Sunday, 15 August 2281
  3. Memories of Racine
    Monday, 16 August 2281
  4. Painful Subjects
    Friday, 20 August 2281
  5. Unwelcome Surprises
    Sunday, 22 August 2281
  6. Sickness and Suspicion
    Tuesday, 31 August 2281
  7. Shattered Stone
    Wednesday, 1 September 2281
  8. The Hanged Man
    Friday, 3 September 2281
  9. Recovery
    Friday, 3 September - Thursday, 21 October 2281
  10. A Warning
    Friday, 22 October 2281
  11. Old Stories
    Friday, 29 October 2281
  12. The Living Past
    Saturday, 30 October 2281
  13. Restless Nights
    Tuesday, 2 November - Monday, 8 November 2281
  14. A Pact
    Wednesday, 17 November 2281
  15. Desecrated Ground
    Thursday, 18 November - Friday 3 December 2281
  16. The Hermit
    Sunday, 5 December 2281
  17. Across the Wastes
    Monday, 6 December 2281 - Sunday, 9 January 2282
  18. Shifting Alliances
    Monday, 10 January - Tuesday, 27 January 2282