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Friday, 3 September - Thursday, 21 October 2281


by Kyllikki Särkeäkivi

After defeating the Hanged Man, the party took several weeks to rest and recover from the ordeal.
Kyllikki witnessed Mollye rifling through Chiron's pack, and observed, curious. She claimed to be searching for a book, the first half of a romance series that she owned the second part to. There was little of sentimental value in the pack, but Mollye found the book and took nothing else, promising to return it when she was done.
Samorn, Pella, Mollye, and Kylli spent time searching the dunes and sandy meadows beyond Roi's walls searching for Samorn's panther, Jotei. It took time, but eventually she was reunited with her companion, to everyone's great joy. Kyllikki was a little concerned by the presence of the big cat, but he seemed friendly enough.
Dr. Sang requested that Pella undergo a physical exam for scientific purposes, given the rarity of Tieflings. One of his nurses treated another tiefling about 20 years prior. Pella agreed, and asked Kyllikki to accompany her. The exam did not present any problems or danger, but Pella was stressed by the experience. She revealed to Kylli that she had been taken from her family as an infant, and showed her a compass that was supposed to point home. Unsettled by the sight of her friend so upset, Kyllikki offered comfort as her father always had: with a kiss on the brow, before pressing their foreheads together. She promised to help Pella find her home and her family, explaining that Pella had become like clan to her.
Within two weeks of the Hanged Man's defeat, Roi's plague victims began to recover and the city became a more lively, optimistic place. Dr. Sang was beyond grateful. The party waited as long as they could for Chiron to reappear, but there was no sign of him. Just before they departed for Naphio, Kyllikki got into a shouting match with Sah-Ghan over dinner. He insisted on trying to speak to her in Dwarvish, despite knowing that Kyllikki spoke Common. Neither head cooled before the end of the evening.
On docking in Naphio two weeks later, several party members went ashore. Eren, Pella, and Kylli remained aboard ship while their companions searched for lodging. Eren confessed to the pair that he was an alcoholic, and feared that he had failed Eli. Kyllikki reminded him that every stone has imperfections, and it takes time to carve them out. The pair promised to keep Eren honest where alcohol was concerned, and he embraced them gratefully. Kyllikki was a little shaken by the unfamiliar gesture, but recognized the depth of trust and friendship involved.

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  1. Strange Marks, Stranger Company
    Saturday, 14 August 2281
  2. A Friend and a Fiend
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  3. Memories of Racine
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  4. Painful Subjects
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  5. Unwelcome Surprises
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  6. Sickness and Suspicion
    Tuesday, 31 August 2281
  7. Shattered Stone
    Wednesday, 1 September 2281
  8. The Hanged Man
    Friday, 3 September 2281
  9. Recovery
    Friday, 3 September - Thursday, 21 October 2281
  10. A Warning
    Friday, 22 October 2281
  11. Old Stories
    Friday, 29 October 2281
  12. The Living Past
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  13. Restless Nights
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  14. A Pact
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  15. Desecrated Ground
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  18. Shifting Alliances
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