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Tuesday, 2 November - Monday, 8 November 2281

Restless Nights

by Kyllikki Särkeäkivi

On the road away from Racine, the party paused briefly to investigate when Pella's compass pointed to the west of the path. Here Kyllikki, Pella, and Eli found a Halfling settlement in a misty gully. Kylli detected some movement with her tremorsense, some of which was directly beneath them, and they decided to leave without investigating any further.
At dusk that evening, Mollye was attacked by a tentacle from the grass while trying to light the carriage lanterns. Sah-Ghan lit the entire carriage up with magic, revealing a giant worm intent on fighting the party. The horses panicked, toppling the carriage and breaking Mollye's foot. After defeating the worm, the party abandoned the carriage and loaded the horses. For the next eighteen hours the party moved at a forced march, until Kyllikki could no longer sense anything following them. Exhausted and cranky, they set up a hasty camp and went to sleep.
In the early hours of the next morning, Samorn and Eren were woken by what sounded like Eli's voice. Instead, the party was forced to fight a turtle creature that crawled out of a nearby pond. They just barely survived the fight, and had to pack up and move again without a proper night's rest. Chiron led the party away from the main road to a less-traveled path, which proved to be safer.
The next night, the party was woken by the sound of Sah-Ghan screaming in the throes of a nightmare. Kyllikki, exhausted from so many days without proper rest, woke paranoid and immediately took up her hammer. She did not regret this choice, for she learned that Sah-Ghan was a necromancer, and Eli had asked him to try to revive Nikoleta. Too agitated to go back to sleep, Kyllikki took the next watch. She sensed movement beneath the ground, and she and Eren woke the party again. Before they could pack up to flee, they realized that they were camped in a circle of stones - a halfling circle of protection that the monsters would not enter. Despite this stroke of good luck, they placed a careful watch for the rest of the night.
The party traveled carefully between stone circles for the next several days until they arrived at a halfling settlement. Here they booked a night at the inn and got their first restful night of sleep in a week.

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  12. The Living Past
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  13. Restless Nights
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