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Friday, 20 August 2281

Painful Subjects

by Kyllikki Särkeäkivi

After a three day journey across the Saria Sea, the party reached the port city of Izmit. They were drawn to the marketplace by news of an auction starting. At the center of the market was a slaver auctioning off Tlaslo Tonrar women. They were bought quickly and at high cost. Dwarves and Halflings were sold as well. What caught the party's attention, however was a young Tiefling man, heavily chained and offered for an extremely high price. Kyllikki guarded Pella and Eli while Eren disappeared into the crowd. The Tiefling was sold and taken away to a waiting carriage. Eli bolted away, but Kyllikki, too stressed by the crowds to focus clearly, couldn't catch her and stayed by Pella's side.
The party found lodging at a squalid inn called The Broken Word. Kyllikki confronted Eren when he proposed using Pella as a fake slave to convince the slavers to give us information. He asked her about her father, with Eli, Chiron, and Pella listening nearby. Struck by a sudden memory, Kyllikki explained that she remembered seeing Eren when she was younger. Her father had been commissioned to carve a statue for the Empress, and she had been presented with him to the court. She had to wear uncomfortable clothing, and hadn't understood all the manners and etiquette involved. She explained that she did not know what had happened to her father and her clan when the city fell, as she and her mother had been sent away to Korkeuksissa. The combination of the unexpected memory and her grief for her father pushed Kyllikki over the edge, and she closed herself off, inconsolable.
Later, Eren presented Kyllikki with a carved wooden duck, a perfect replica of the best stone carving she had done as a child. In return, she gave him one of the rocks she had collected, and declared him a friend. Once again, the word held different meaning for Kyllikki, for the bond was nothing like the ones she had forged with Eli or Pella.
When the time came to meet with the slaver Nukilik, Kyllikki joined Pella, Chiron, and Eren, to act as hired muscle and defend Pella if necessary. Eren arranged a deal to sell Pella to the same man who purchased the other tiefling, Count Yusuf, but it would be three days before the sale could be finalized. The party departed for Yusuf's estate in nearby Alatopetra.

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  1. Strange Marks, Stranger Company
    Saturday, 14 August 2281
  2. A Friend and a Fiend
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  3. Memories of Racine
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  4. Painful Subjects
    Friday, 20 August 2281
  5. Unwelcome Surprises
    Sunday, 22 August 2281
  6. Sickness and Suspicion
    Tuesday, 31 August 2281
  7. Shattered Stone
    Wednesday, 1 September 2281
  8. The Hanged Man
    Friday, 3 September 2281
  9. Recovery
    Friday, 3 September - Thursday, 21 October 2281
  10. A Warning
    Friday, 22 October 2281
  11. Old Stories
    Friday, 29 October 2281
  12. The Living Past
    Saturday, 30 October 2281
  13. Restless Nights
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  14. A Pact
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  15. Desecrated Ground
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