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Sun 9th Aug 2020 10:03

Notes and Crap (entry three)

by Eligius Yami

Of all the things that were to happen on my first adventure Novia, guess what happened... if you guessed I overslept, you are right. The twist this time is that I wasn't partying, but reading up on my clan's history. So... yeah, that happened... you saw me firsthand go onto the ship and the shores with the dudes Sol and Rad, and the tremendously beautiful Sute. So, since the others went ahead of us, the four of us formed our own team. Rad was recon, Sute being support gun, Sol was the analyzer of anything good, and yours truly was crowd control.
In our exploration thanks to the tomes, we got far past one mile, and found a bunch of zombies. Using my superior intelligence, I created a distraction, allowing us to sneak right on past them, avoiding wasting needless resources. We set up basecamp, and I owe Kosuke for this, but the Pavilion prevented necrotic energies coming inside, so it was a surprisingly well rested night, shocker in such a hellhole of a place. The further we went in, the more of these giant crystals we found getting bunched up, Sol and I theorized that it used to be a forest. Our objective however, was the giant spire of crystal further inland... going in closer we encountered a surprisingly powerful pack of crystal wolves. We utterly crushed them with but only a few scratches,. BUT THE CATCH, of course the floor collapsed in the weight of our magical and bullet filled onslaught, some stray bullets, the bombs and my magic weakened the floor near the cracks and caused us to fall into a lake. Near that lake to my surprise.... was.... holy ground, and the grave of Umbra....
Got to admit, this caught me by surprise, I thought she was bluffing when she said she died, but turns out it was true... Anyways... Novia, I'm sorry I doubted your sister, but I'm continuing this entry. We went into the inner parts of the castle as you pointed out.... and found parts of Novia's "memory road" as I coined. Gotta admit, it was depressing to see her sad, but despite all that, we found a dojo of her's. Inside we found an ancient sword, worn throughout the years... a possession of Novia's father. Of.... all things she gave it to me... it doesn't feel right, but... the sword called to me, yet I'm more oni than kitsune.... I'm just conflicted now... Novia, if you ever read this... thanks I guess for the.... gift?

  • Eligius Yami
  • Continue reading...

    1. Notes and Crap (entry one), by Eligius Yami
    2. Notes and Crap (entry two)
    3. Reprieve Shenanigans (Entry One)
    4. Notes and Crap (entry three)
    5. Notes and Crap (entry four)
    6. 1st Letter to Mother
    7. 1st Letter to Father
    8. Notes and Crap (entry five)
    9. Notes and Crap (entry five)
    10. Randera Shenanigans (Entry One)
    11. 2nd Letter to both Mother and Father
    12. Notes and Crap (entry six)
    13. Notes and Crap (entry seven)
    14. Notes and Crap (entry eight)
    15. Notes and Crap (entry nine)
    16. Desert Rose Shenanigans (Entry One)
    17. Desert Rose Shenanigans (Entry Two)
    18. Notes and Crap (entry ten)
    19. Hakumei Shenanigans (entry one)
    20. Notes and Crap (entry eleven)
    21. 3rd Letter to both Mother and Father
    22. 1st Letter to Xozgoral Manto
    23. Notes and Crap (entry twelve)
    24. Notes and Crap (entry thirteen)
    25. Notes and Crap (entry fourteen)
    26. Notes and Crap (entry fifteen)
    27. Desert Rose Shenanigans (Entry Four)
    28. Notes and Crap (entry sixteen)
    29. Notes and Crap (entry seventeen)
    30. Notes and Crap (entry eighteen)
    31. Notes and Crap (entry nineteen)
    32. Notes and Crap (entry twenty)
    33. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-one)
    34. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-two)
    35. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-three)
    36. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-four)
    37. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-five)
    38. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-six)
    39. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-seven)
    40. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-eight)
    41. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-nine)
    42. Notes and Crap (entry thirty)
    43. Notes and Crap (entry thirty-one)
    44. Notes and Crap (entry thirty-two)
    45. Notes and Crap (entry thirty-three)
    46. Notes and Crap (entry thirty-four)
    47. Notes and Crap (entry thirty-five)
    48. The Journal Entry’s title
    49. Notes and Crap (entry thirty-six)
    50. Notes and Crap (entry thirty-seven)