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Tue 29th Jun 2021 02:30

Notes and Crap (entry fourteen)

by Eligius Yami

Alrighty Novia, I got to say I am writing this on a more somber note. I must say right after I left for Kobir, I wasn't expecting something to pursue our party to be to the point of wanting to steal our souls... want to guess what happened? No? Well too bad. So we were going along to Kobir convoy style with a cart full of food as ordered, resupply them you know? Naturally we were ambushed by some of the Snakeroot's Bite, hiding among the sands. We were surrounded, I tried in scaring them to back down after Zahira mind controlled one of them, but they wouldn't have it, they attacked us. The poison... would not recommend, I nearly puked up my guts and felt horrible for days.
And you would THINK that would be the end of it? Well you aren't paying attention.... Varis forgot the key detail of being actively pursued by devil death squads, Azzy does not count. Zahira casted a few hexes on it, and it seemed to soley aim for me, nearly slicing out my throat with its spines. That was... harrowing. I'm just here lying on a bed wrapped in tons of bandages as I write this, all bloodied in the robes and all.
We eventually make it to Kobir after dealing with the cultist scouts and the devil death squad. And boy... it was bad. Many were starved and nothing but skin and bones. Our cart full of food was like mana from the heavens to them. I felt like the Snakes had to pay, and our plan was stealing the food back from their hideouts... and luckily we forced one of them to reveal said location....
-Eligius Yami

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  1. Notes and Crap (entry one), by Eligius Yami
  2. Notes and Crap (entry two)
  3. Reprieve Shenanigans (Entry One)
  4. Notes and Crap (entry three)
  5. Notes and Crap (entry four)
  6. 1st Letter to Mother
  7. 1st Letter to Father
  8. Notes and Crap (entry five)
  9. Notes and Crap (entry five)
  10. Randera Shenanigans (Entry One)
  11. 2nd Letter to both Mother and Father
  12. Notes and Crap (entry six)
  13. Notes and Crap (entry seven)
  14. Notes and Crap (entry eight)
  15. Notes and Crap (entry nine)
  16. Desert Rose Shenanigans (Entry One)
  17. Desert Rose Shenanigans (Entry Two)
  18. Notes and Crap (entry ten)
  19. Hakumei Shenanigans (entry one)
  20. Notes and Crap (entry eleven)
  21. 3rd Letter to both Mother and Father
  22. 1st Letter to Xozgoral Manto
  23. Notes and Crap (entry twelve)
  24. Notes and Crap (entry thirteen)
  25. Notes and Crap (entry fourteen)
  26. Notes and Crap (entry fifteen)
  27. Desert Rose Shenanigans (Entry Four)
  28. Notes and Crap (entry sixteen)
  29. Notes and Crap (entry seventeen)
  30. Notes and Crap (entry eighteen)
  31. Notes and Crap (entry nineteen)
  32. Notes and Crap (entry twenty)
  33. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-one)
  34. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-two)
  35. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-three)
  36. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-four)
  37. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-five)
  38. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-six)
  39. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-seven)
  40. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-eight)
  41. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-nine)
  42. Notes and Crap (entry thirty)
  43. Notes and Crap (entry thirty-one)
  44. Notes and Crap (entry thirty-two)
  45. Notes and Crap (entry thirty-three)
  46. Notes and Crap (entry thirty-four)
  47. Notes and Crap (entry thirty-five)
  48. The Journal Entry’s title
  49. Notes and Crap (entry thirty-six)
  50. Notes and Crap (entry thirty-seven)