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Sun 9th Jul 2023 06:04

Notes and Crap (entry thirty)

by Eligius Yami

[written over the course of two weeks as the party traveled across Kair's Reach]
[random crude and decent sketches of landscapes, practice on Haikus, and random musings/business ideas]
Empress Novia, it seems we might have a lead possibly for the Winter's Children. The Rangers of Hvita seemed to be of no help back when we were in the Ranger's Lodge. Most of the rangers are rather avoidant of the Winter's Children and extremely reluctant to give over any info; given that we burst in looking for information, we could have looked suspicious to them... such is the way of a different walk in this life... they even don't even know the basic bow as a gesture. Aside from that little annoyance, our group has marched for roughly 2 weeks out into the wilderness of Kair's Reach, heading northwest to what a novice ranger named Gene believes is a former White Dragon's lair. To be honest, I can see why he's still a novice; in asking for directions to this dragon lair, he lacked the basic knowledge of the cardinal directions, something I, a city boy would know! Gene however, knew his section of the forest like the back of his hand, we marched across the mountainous tundra and the forested taiga, trekked through mighty blizzards, and scaled our way up sheer cliffs. Our group saw glorious landscapes that went on for miles up upon these mountaintops, but no sign of any activity as of yet, but I was able to practice a bit of sketching of landscapes or drawing out illusions I make, Joryth and I even sang sea shanties that he knew!
For the others, Kosuke's still quiet as per usual, I swear he never speaks more than 5 words at once [note to self: Try speaking to him in that mannerism and convince the others to be like that. Maybe it'll FINALLY break him out of his shell!], Radegast, I swear has been the stink eye ever since I touched his gun to use his scope to scout out a landscape; and Solomon, smelling of fire and sulfur, I accidentally drank one of his potions one morning (when he put it next to my coffee), I better keep this quiet. Last time I told him I accidentally touched one of his potions, I swear I got this bump on my arm that never went away! The other 4 were doing their own thing in the travel, of course we talked however! Things are going well! If this dragon lair is a bust, I'll be sure to complain about it after the two-week travel back, then we'll be conducting plan B: posing as merchants to catch the Winter's Children off guard as they attempt to ambush "merchants" and force them to lead us to their hideout. Though one thing that I have surprisingly haven't heard from is that one Bone Devil, haven't seen it in nearly a month. Will keep posted, and give you this notebook once we arrive back at Desert Rose, though it might not be for a while. How about instead of going back to Desert Rose in between ever single eliminated crystal, we keep marching on and destroy one after the other. Anything to get the job done quicker for you Novia I suppose, hope it's all worth something on your end, I know Hakumei's going decently on your side of things, and you bet your fluffy tails that I'll do my job! If I fail, I'll leave you all my funny souvenirs from across the land in my will, let that sink in!
Personal Note [written on another day]: On a personal note, not sure if Petra-chan is even reciprocating any feelings I've given her over the course of our time here, she mostly sees me as a good friend which I don't mind. As Joryth says however, I should keep persisting, with either her, Maria, or maybe someone else. Maybe finding someone I truly love would finally rid me of my hedonistic thoughts, and actions... by Shizune's tails I hate it. I haven't even dared tried to bring anyone to bed ever since Gerudo dragged me away on their own, Lady knows what on Marchen is with those ladies, they did NOT take no for an answer! [goes on a tirade of ideas of how to get over his hedonism, gift ideas for friends]
Crystalline Gauntlet: While on my travels, I realized when facing off against the Frostweave bears, it seems most of my attack-based magic are rather niche in terms of actually harming them! When it comes to creatures across this strange land, many seem to have magical properties that render even my magics moot. I couldn't think of any solution besides using the various elements of my Dragon's Breath technique, but then I thought of my gauntlets, and the crystals we have been gathering from each corruption blight in Randera. If I were to incorporate each of the crystals into my gauntlet, I would be able to channel their power into my magics similar to our enemy, and creatures of this land. It's risky, but given the success of this corruption crystal for this past year, I would not be surprised if this were to work. I'll talk to Sute about this back in Desert Rose.
[goes over ideas of the existing crystals he has, the Nature, Earth, Necrotic, Electric crystals]

  • Eligius Yami
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    1. Notes and Crap (entry one), by Eligius Yami
    2. Notes and Crap (entry two)
    3. Reprieve Shenanigans (Entry One)
    4. Notes and Crap (entry three)
    5. Notes and Crap (entry four)
    6. 1st Letter to Mother
    7. 1st Letter to Father
    8. Notes and Crap (entry five)
    9. Notes and Crap (entry five)
    10. Randera Shenanigans (Entry One)
    11. 2nd Letter to both Mother and Father
    12. Notes and Crap (entry six)
    13. Notes and Crap (entry seven)
    14. Notes and Crap (entry eight)
    15. Notes and Crap (entry nine)
    16. Desert Rose Shenanigans (Entry One)
    17. Desert Rose Shenanigans (Entry Two)
    18. Notes and Crap (entry ten)
    19. Hakumei Shenanigans (entry one)
    20. Notes and Crap (entry eleven)
    21. 3rd Letter to both Mother and Father
    22. 1st Letter to Xozgoral Manto
    23. Notes and Crap (entry twelve)
    24. Notes and Crap (entry thirteen)
    25. Notes and Crap (entry fourteen)
    26. Notes and Crap (entry fifteen)
    27. Desert Rose Shenanigans (Entry Four)
    28. Notes and Crap (entry sixteen)
    29. Notes and Crap (entry seventeen)
    30. Notes and Crap (entry eighteen)
    31. Notes and Crap (entry nineteen)
    32. Notes and Crap (entry twenty)
    33. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-one)
    34. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-two)
    35. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-three)
    36. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-four)
    37. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-five)
    38. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-six)
    39. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-seven)
    40. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-eight)
    41. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-nine)
    42. Notes and Crap (entry thirty)
    43. Notes and Crap (entry thirty-one)
    44. Notes and Crap (entry thirty-two)
    45. Notes and Crap (entry thirty-three)
    46. Notes and Crap (entry thirty-four)
    47. Notes and Crap (entry thirty-five)
    48. The Journal Entry’s title
    49. Notes and Crap (entry thirty-six)
    50. Notes and Crap (entry thirty-seven)