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Tue 11th Apr 2023 01:12

Notes and Crap (entry twenty-nine)

by Eligius Yami

"Fifteen minutes of
quiet time before I face
the day ahead now."
Empress, it's been rather difficult to get out of bed in the morning these past few days, with Julian recovering in the infirmary here. Spent the last... entire time in Hvita waking up, and going straight to a bench right outside of where Julian was being held. It was my fault that he went out alone, he went to my room and asked for advice on his father. I repeat myself, but it is my duty to make things right. I have sworn vengeance on the Winter's Children, but we have no leads to go on. Guess the best place to start is the townsfolk of Hvita, maybe the Rangers Hut, Town Hall, the Library, or heck maybe even the tavern. You never know what a man might spill if they get a few drinks!
*written after gathering the information in session*
After going scouring the town for information... what we have so far are as follows:

  • Tower to West has magical distortions, crazy antimagic and wild magic patches all across the area in a 3 mile radius that seemingly go off at random, known as the "Tower of Ruin". The tower predates much of the area, and is said to be from the Dark Ages of Randera many centuries ago. If you want my guess Novia, given the crazy nature of this continent, and this tower being the near the center of its landmass, my guess this is a Bonafide ground zero to the entire country's magic properties, OR the location of another crystal that's more potent than the ones we've found with the Cults, the Summer's Tree, or in Sea Breeze. That sounds like MUCH of a problem to deal with later after the Graveyard. 5 gold tails says I can go in and out if I REALLY sprint in there and back! HAH! I probably got you pinching your forehead at that statement!

  • Ski group went missing, found 5 years later not aged a day; likely cryo magic, or just the hellish weather around here.

  • Library records revealed events from 50 years ago near the town. A mercenary band marched into the lair of a young white dragon to defend a village, no name given. Only 3 survivors confirmed, two unknowns, and one coincidentally being an Adderly. My assumption, in the White Dragon's Lair is where the icy crystal is located. The big glaring problem is that we have no name for the village. We do however have a map that has a trove of locations and hideouts that's almost 2 weeks old. Other information will also help against whereabouts.

  • Some tiefling merchant approached Solomon at the tavern, talking about a lost shipment of mithril against ice magic using masked individuals. They donned a symbol of snowflakes bordered by 2 squares at 90 degrees, described by the merchant, not me. Likely to be our in and capture a few Winter's Children cultists, we'll have to pose as valuable merchants.

  • Motives: The Winter's Children seem to comprise of mostly elves, namely elven supremacists. They target those who sympathize with other humanoids, despise half breeds such as Solomon or Julian being half elves, and that their kind should have dominion over all. They seem to have a town or two out east that agree with their principles, where they bring their stolen goods to fence off, and use their gold stolen for supplies. Most likely have agents in town.

  • Rumors of a giant, spiny bony humanoid with mammoth tusks on the face outside of town, near forests. The Devil "Council" member most likely. I swear... we'll have to face it eventually, and it won't be pretty. Varis' mother must be worried sick about her son taking the brunt of the abuse of being hunted down by devils. Stopping this devil won't stop anything, and will likely escalate things. As a great samurai I learned about in school once said: "Tomorrow's battle is won during today's practice." I will have to prepare for the inevitable confrontation, and we'll come out on the other side.

  • Fun facts: Fafnir might have been some barbarian king back in the old days. There once was a barbarian king that had a voice to cause an avalance, a greatclub "the size of a tree", and a striving sense of justice with a warrior wife. Sounds like Fafnir the Silver alright! I might go remind him of his glory days when I return.

  • More information to be had at the Ranger's Hut, and needing to find a cartographer to make sense of the map we acquired. Hopefully someone was on that duty, because I for sure wasn't.

  • Anyways, that's my notes for now Novia. It's comforting, to write in this dang thing. To think I absolutely hated this when you first gave this dang journal to me, but here I am keeping onto it. Thank you for that Empress.
    [scribbled out idea of getting cinnamon rolls for Petra Yami]
  • Eligius Yami
  • Continue reading...

    1. Notes and Crap (entry one), by Eligius Yami
    2. Notes and Crap (entry two)
    3. Reprieve Shenanigans (Entry One)
    4. Notes and Crap (entry three)
    5. Notes and Crap (entry four)
    6. 1st Letter to Mother
    7. 1st Letter to Father
    8. Notes and Crap (entry five)
    9. Notes and Crap (entry five)
    10. Randera Shenanigans (Entry One)
    11. 2nd Letter to both Mother and Father
    12. Notes and Crap (entry six)
    13. Notes and Crap (entry seven)
    14. Notes and Crap (entry eight)
    15. Notes and Crap (entry nine)
    16. Desert Rose Shenanigans (Entry One)
    17. Desert Rose Shenanigans (Entry Two)
    18. Notes and Crap (entry ten)
    19. Hakumei Shenanigans (entry one)
    20. Notes and Crap (entry eleven)
    21. 3rd Letter to both Mother and Father
    22. 1st Letter to Xozgoral Manto
    23. Notes and Crap (entry twelve)
    24. Notes and Crap (entry thirteen)
    25. Notes and Crap (entry fourteen)
    26. Notes and Crap (entry fifteen)
    27. Desert Rose Shenanigans (Entry Four)
    28. Notes and Crap (entry sixteen)
    29. Notes and Crap (entry seventeen)
    30. Notes and Crap (entry eighteen)
    31. Notes and Crap (entry nineteen)
    32. Notes and Crap (entry twenty)
    33. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-one)
    34. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-two)
    35. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-three)
    36. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-four)
    37. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-five)
    38. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-six)
    39. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-seven)
    40. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-eight)
    41. Notes and Crap (entry twenty-nine)
    42. Notes and Crap (entry thirty)
    43. Notes and Crap (entry thirty-one)
    44. Notes and Crap (entry thirty-two)
    45. Notes and Crap (entry thirty-three)
    46. Notes and Crap (entry thirty-four)
    47. Notes and Crap (entry thirty-five)
    48. The Journal Entry’s title
    49. Notes and Crap (entry thirty-six)
    50. Notes and Crap (entry thirty-seven)