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Thu 16th Jun 2022 06:35

June 6

by Vera Carver

Ved - Aurora watch Kobold / Officer
We get close to the city and can see the results of the attacks here
Komaria has her holy symbol and attempts to use it against the undead we encounter
Melech "just put his thing out" *snicker*
There is a cave that could take 2 carts wide into the mountain
It is obvious this is a well used road - torches light the walls
Cavern opens up, intersecting roads with a hub layout
business/trade area setup
The wagon stops, goblin talks to Drow,
Signs are Elvish or Undercommon predominantly
No Common
There is a constant bit of music playing everywhere. There doesn't appear to be anyone who encountered trouble recently.
A Duergar gentleman is on the side of the road w/ a blanket and a wooden bowl with a few coins in it, but looks like their weariness is long suffering
Komaria approaches and sits
Seb drops some silver
Komaria greets him in Undercommon and asks his name
Gives Llenistra as her name
Says they were sent about dangerous creatures
A few unfortunate souls, screaming, NE side of the city - they did not investigate
Survivors are
Offers to guide us
Komaria drops a platinum instead of a silver and shrugs it off
Takes us to an offshoot cave
Note: nothing is built for riding animals and all the caverns are precisely carved and distinctly not natural
Marya and Seb are watching out for thieves cant
Notice a bldg with markings for info avail
Terrible convo of translation
Pass a place that smells
House that appears a little more well built, 2 stories, flat roof, some windows, lit within
Holtrum says to not mention he brought us here
Kia - head of the watch
open floor plan
lights the stove for water
touches a small stone - and utters a word
it brightens to light the room
heard shouts/screams other end
saw creatures tear apart a neighbor
alert the watch
4 winged
"little" ones
one was holding something - staff/club
had to seal off that cavern/neighborhood
we get to the barracks and ask about Ved
3 ft orange/red scaled kobold
4 days back
distress calls
several responded
described army/group of insect creatures
resistant to magic
was able to absorb some and redirect
could pass through walls
given maps
led to armoury
alchemist's fire
keg on the same shelf
locked case with a bright orange wand
wand of fireballs
given to Seb
small group of 6 will be accompanying
June 9 - Prep
Each of us are given a type of sending stone that works short range and to all the other stones (walkie talkies) 'message pebbles'
Silver is given a greater healing
Komaria takes 2 regs
Silver suggests needing coin to buy poison, Vera gives 10gp
Seb puts 20, no one else contributes
Vera puts another 20 to get her to 50gp
Seb considers attaching some alchemy jars to arrows
Marya suggests using a sling instead
Silver gets the materials together and crafts 2 poisons
Komaria gets rope and a grappling hook
Taking a cask of alch. fire - strapping dynamite to it and launch from a catapult
Make some noise in the central area to draw them while clearing the North