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Fri 9th Sep 2022 03:14

Sept 8

by Vera Carver

Vera takes a poison resistance, and Marya shares some goodberries: 5 for Seb, 5 for Zintris.
As we all get into position, one of the eggs hatches and a not-fully-formed creature comes out.
Komaria steps up to it, calls out to the main robed thing and getting no response easily dispatches the new bug.
Marya casts moonbeam (radiant spell). The staff seems to take in some of the energy and glows...
He moves to Komara and hits them with a spell, some of it radiant in nature.
Zintris turns it
Melody casts a silent image fog to obscure Vera and Silver on the cliff
Seb goes into fire mode and runs through a pile of eggs with burning hands.
Silver tries to finish it off
(These creatures require the right conditions to thrive - a thinning of the planes.)
Vera takes aim at the central rift with her crossbow - the bolt hit and the appearance seems more shattered. Rather than large cracks, is is slightly more crackled. It took less damage than it should have, but still hit.
The creature near Seb attacks him, doing a total of 16 damage.
Komaria manages to wrest the staff away and she hears 1000s of voices. Floating in a void and visions of things she cannot comprehend as it connects her to the outer planes.
Marya encircles the rift with her moonbeam.
Melody inspires Seb
Seb attacks with a fireball from the wand. An explosion of fire in a 20ft radius. Two of the eggs hatch into a large worm like creature, as the others turn to ash.
Portions of it are untouched by the fire, and it's likely full grown it would be immune to fire.
Silver and Vera take them out back to back. Vera "Alchemy on the last big egg??"
Seb gets attacked: Nat 1, misses / 6pts slashing / miss
Seb in response to Vera, "Someone get this thing off me so I can do my thing!"
The moonbeam takes effect again, the rift continuing to crack
Komaria switches with Zintris and scurries back up to the cliff.
Standing there whispering to Marya "Don't touch the staff" repeatedly
Marya takes care of the one harrying Seb and passes a healing potion to Komaria
Seb uses burning hands to take out more eggs, opening the large worm again. Silver and Vera dispatch it before it can act.
The moonbeam once more hits the rift. There is a thunderous cracking noise, and there is a screeching noise from all the creatures. The glass like surface of it is now clouded and fully smashed looking.
Silver yells "He's coming back."
Komaria drinks the potion, throws dynamite at the rift.
Melody heads down the slope, and grabs an alchemist fire off of Seb, sets it with the dynamite.
A creature heads up to the cliff, and releases a small cloud of spores, poisoning Melody, Marya, Komaria and Vera.
Seb fires the last fireball from the wand to the rift / dynamite / alchemy pile. 10 pts from the dynamite and 13 from fireball. (Alchemy fire is 3 next turn)
Silver kills a creature.
Vera shatters the rift.
A high pitched whine emits - deafened for a round (Seb, Marya, Vera)
The robed creature is in visible pain, and the rest of the eggs burst - the contents dead. There is a pattering sound like rain of the flying/ceiling creatures in the other cavern falling.
It attacks Seb with some kind of spell, but thankfully doesn't have the staff.
Seb manages to shrug off the damage and effects.
Melody does dissonant whispers and the bug backs up, then he runs off.
Vera gets charmed by the returning creature.
Taking a chance on the fireball wand, Seb casts it again behind the flying creature on the cliff.
Seb rages and another field of vines and flowers grow out of the stone as he pummels the robed one over and over. As it dies, Seb also gets the same vision as Komaria did upon grabbing the staff. Seb screams obscenities at them as the scene fades from his mind.
Vera checks in with Kia. Wounded but standing. Vera says to open up and head out.
The group sprints back to the entrance, the poisoned Komaria and Vera managing to hold on until it wears off. Komaria however is still holding the staff and suddenly collapses from its influence. Seb recognizes the nature of it and attempts to wrest it from her still clutching hand. She manages to hold fast, and at this point Kia's team meets us.
Kia casts something and Komaria finally lets go as she regains awareness. Seb kicks it onto his cloak to be able to pick it up without touching it.
Melody tries to identify it, but as soon as he touches it is enthralled.
Seb and Marya manage to pull it away again with the cloak for protection.
We trudge back to the town to rest.