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Thu 11th Nov 2021 09:54

Nov 4 - Nightmare's Concert

by Vera Carver

The group finds themselves in Rosohana. Two families escorted out of the home they've known with little warning. One still mourning the loss of their mother/wife. Luca, nearly losing his life and Silver, escaping the only life she's known.
While predominantly Drow, there is a menagerie of goblinoid races walking the streets. Everlight lanterns are scattered to light the paths. Zintris immediately has a familiarity, despite never being here before in this life. It continues to unsettle her.
There is discussion on blending in - Marya undoes her braid and attempts a makeshift beard. Silver and Vera pull their cloaks/hoods close.
Komaria leads everyone towards her mother's home.
Stopped by the guards at the entrance to the Firmaments, Komaria says she is leading a group of rescued families.
Not completely convinced, we are still allowed in.
Zintris instinctively starts to head towards a house. Memories begin to flood of a prior set of parents. Two fathers and a mother. Emotions of having not seen them in a long time, except her parents are here with her. But ....
Her mom, sensing something off, wraps an arm around her.
Komaria explains there are followers of the Raven Queen.
A few slip out to the concert to talk with Komaria's brother.
The band: Tiefling on drums - Ambition, Minotaur accordion, Air Genasi violin - Tempest, Drow upright bass, Kenku no instrument.
Center stage on mic is a Dragonborn covered in bright makeup. Nightmare.
Seb and Vera both make moves on Tempest. Vera flirting, and Seb ... just making conversation? Vera wasn't sure, but still wondered if he was honing in on her target on purpose. Competition, maybe.
Komaria flashes her Grinner ring subtly.
Ruthless Goose - small pub, cozy atmosphere
Komaria explains the recent events to her brother.
She says she messed with their wine source. He is less than impressed.
He suggests going to the Lucid Bastion and discussing it with them.
Komaria mentions Marloff. Explains all the shared dreams.
"Don't worry, it should be intimidating."
Seb chugs another drink.
Vera asks the band if there's a bed for her. Medrash says all the rooms are connected so someone'll probably have her. Not entirely the vibe/response she was going for (fuckin' self-important rock stars), she declines and leaves. Seb follows her out.
Seb "Wanna have some fun?"
Vera: Like what?
Seb: "Find somewhere, wreck the place."
Vera thought they were going to a brawly bar / rage room and manages to roll with it when Seb heads to a no-tell place, the Moonlit Revelation, and plunks a platinum for the 10gp room; the best they have. Despite the decently matched replies to her flirtatious comments, she didn't get the feeling he was into her. But, a warm bed with someone who actually *wanted* her was what she needed. And she had a feeling his bed would be warm, indeed.
The evening turned to some personal talk - Seb giving more of his past than she of course. She fell asleep with a smile - the gods had once again rewarded her instinct and she felt she was where she ought to be in the moment.
Back at the Ruthless Goose:
Komaria puts the cowboy hat on Medrash's head as he is too well into his cups to notice.
The rest of the group - Komaria, Zintris and Silver, head back to home.
They come upon a girl, alone, around 7 years of age. Dark elf. Seems confused/fearful. Is dressed very nicely, even in this nicer end of town.
There are tears in her eyes. They don't recognize the language immediately. Komaria is pretty certain it's Dwarvish.
Zintris: Do you know where your parents are?
Child: I killed them.
They decide to head back to Komaria's home to try and get help in locating her parents.
Jaxi comes to the door and is startled to see the girl: "That's the queen's daughter."