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Wed 17th Nov 2021 11:25

Nov 11 - A Late Night Audience with the Queen

by Vera Carver

As part of the group is dealing with the Dawn Princess...
Melech finds his Da and asks to go somewhere private so he can explain everything that's been happening.
He explains he had a dream... but not a dream. He was in a horrible place. Someone else was there, who was also having the same not-dream-dream. Nim. They met some fey/fiend creatures that helped them. It seemed that a year passed, and when he woke up he was able to call his friend still...
At this - Melech summons K'van.
Da seems to follow and understand, but is a bit apprehensive seeing the creature.
Melech continues his tale: Then they travelled west to see Nim, and the Sister. Then he met Marya and Seb, all of them banded together to help someone. More joined, and left. Cleared a mine of undead. Other bad things that they dealt with. Returned to Zadash.
While out west, had gotten a business card for a magic shop. Went there and met the owner, who had been targeted by an assassin. They helped defeat the air spirit and agreed to try and locate who sent it.
That brought them to a house in the Tri Spires. While there, a woman fled in search of aid and Melech followed his training to assist the young man who was injured inside. When the mother returned, a doctor that Melech knew was with her.
Knowing that the boy had been attempting to summon things he didn't understand or have the ability to control - Melech said he had words with the mother. The doctor then threatened Melech and his family.
While giving Tourmaline the new info, the group was told what was happening at Melech's home....
The assassin got away, but they know the group is prestigious.
Met Vera and Komaria - as they were researching the family too.
Zintris came home.
The assassins came after the group next, managed to survive, and explains they are essentially a cult. Silver was one of them.
Melech finishes with - "That doc... he will pay."
Da cautions against rushing back.
With all of that off his chest, Melech heads downstairs in time to hear "What are you doing with the Dawn Princess?".
Marya - like, a festival thing?
No - the Bright Queens daughter.
Komaria knows the noble dens are less family by blood, and more by choice. Likely has heard her name before - Valina Kryn. Could be blood related. Queen is gay, but there are ways.
Komaria offers to get Greg.
Marya is very concerned about possible misunderstandings/complications. Komaria goes to see if anyone is looking for the child on the street.
Marya asks Jaxi what the best course of action should be. Probably to take her home...
Komaria returns, having not found anyone.
They go to M's old room to discuss what to do - has some scattered instruments.
Zintris: Your name is Valina, right?
She hesitates, starts to shake no... then nods.
Zintris asks if there's another name. "Vamwaeline Mithrilspine" - distinctly Dwarven, and sounds fancy.
Z: How did you get out into the street?
V: Um, I... I walked out when they weren't looking.
Z: So you just snuck out?
V: nods
Z: You're having memories of this other person?
V: That's what mommy said. I'm both...
Z: Asks if mommy had explained more.
V says she was told she wasn't consecuted.
Z offers to take her home.
The whole team: Marya, Komaria, Zintris, Silver, and Melech - all leave to escort the girl back.
Zintris is focused on keeping the kid settled. Melech is "perma-paranoid". They approach the Lucid Bastion. There is a tall drow woman, long hair pulled into a ponytail. Wearing regal armor. Looking around the area opposite to the group. Komaria notices a 2nd of the same woman also searching.
This is Quonna. The Dusk Captain, and partner to the Queen.
Komaria calls out a hello and greets the woman by name.
She turns and immediately the girl is scooped up by the echo, until the original strides up and replaces her. After a moment, she looks up and surveys the group....
"I'm sorry, do I know you?"
Komaria: Probably?
I'll give you a moment to explain what you're doing with my daughter.
Zintris: She was wandering the streets and we decided to bring her back.
Thank you.
"Hey we're in a new body, what do?"
The Captain seems a little flustered by this. Between losing her daughter momentarily and now having two people needing past life help.
There's a brief discussion on who else knows things, and that this really shouldn't wait any longer, because REASONS.
They step into a massive structure. Vaulted ceilings extend 30 feet upwards, as the group goes into the personal chambers.
Q says she is going to put her daughter to bed.
Need to go wake up the Queen....
"We're not going to kill you."
Z: You can talk!?
The queen arrives, in her nightclothes and a cloak. Clearly irritated at the circumstances.
Z and K both remember having spoken to her previously. There's a level of familiarity given the past friendship with Q, and formalities are dismissed.
Debating how to proceed, they move to the Cathedral to be proper.
Marya says very quietly to Melech: "I really felt a whole lot more comfortable than I am feeling now when we were in the middle of the dungeon of our scaly friend, surrounded by their friends."
Melech whispers back "Maybe even in the Vampire's lair. I have no idea what to do here."
Komaria and Zintris are asked why they didn’t seek out help sooner. Asks if anyone else is involved / knows about them. Mention Seb and Vera, but that their whereabouts are unknown.
Essek gets some personal effects of Seb’s, and scries on him. He is presented with a very engaged view of Seb and Vera, and immediately turns red. He then says he will be back shortly, and attempts to teleport to our location. He misses by a smidge, and ends up standing in the room…. Embarrassed, he exits quickly and then knocks on the door from the hall.
Seb answers, and is told the Bright Queen requests our presence. Confused and concerned, we agree, and get dressed. Essek offers to teleport them back. Seb boosts Vera onto his back to carry her.
They end up in the throne room correctly. Vera, seeing the space they are in, drops to her feet.
Queen asks for Essek to cast zone of truth and tells the group not to resist.
Laylas Kryn - Bright Queen. Partner Quana Kryn. Essek Shadowhand - intelligence.
Everyone goes around giving their affiliation. Seb says the group is his affiliation. Marya speaks of the Myriad.
Vera is upset, as she considered herself working for the guild first and foremost and work with the Cobalt Soul was more of an assignment/freelance. But she has to justify her life choices to some stranger.
Marloth pops in, now in Tiefling form, armor on full display.
Marya is warned not to "conduct business" while here.
Discussion on the kid getting out.
The process of animeses is brought up. Zintris is lost at the terminology. The Queen says "remembering", and there's a process to it.
They are questioned on whether the girl provided any more info. Yes, her past name.
Vera knows the name: Only dwarven house in the empire. Current living head of that house. House of sorcerers.
We are instructed to meet back in the morning. Vera has permission to return to the hotel.
Some sort of identifier will be procured.
Seb promises to slap Komaria some day
"I'd like to see you try."
Zintris is told she should speak with her dad while here. She continues to resist.
They leave. Talk of what happened to lead to this - Vera says she's heard the history on the dwarven family. They did die suddenly - it's possible the kid was remembering truly... But warns knowledge is power, and moreso with essentially royalty. She understands... but dang is this awkward.
Marya asks Seb why Essek was blushing when he got us. Vera picks up the pace.
Everyone but the 2 head to Komaria's house.
Zintris gets an ultimatem about speaking to her parents by tomorrow.
Marloff has an arm around Zintris' shoulders.
The next morning the group gathers back in the Cathedral.
The queen is now in full regalia - the crystal horned crown and definite protective garb.
Old goblin present - blue/black robes. Wispy hair.
Full court of the main three houses seems to be here.
Queen: "We have had time to discuss. Those of you who were consecuted will have access to the resources needed. You are free to rejoin your dens, but can take your time doing so. I would suggest at least visiting.
Considered guests of the Dynasty while here." *gestures to someone*
Six people step forward with folded fabric. Cloaks with a clasp modeled on the symbol of the Kryn.
Also given a brooch, a more solid design.
"Wear or present these, and your loyalty will not be questioned and action against you is the same as against a citizen of the Dynasty. In exchange you will need to spend time with Essek to confirm details."
"There is a small home we can provide for now. If you can provide services and prove loyalty, armor weapons clothes"
As a show of faith - ask that we go into the shadowspire and clear an area until someone can fortify it. They need the space for the growing city.