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Thu 22nd Sep 2022 07:56

Sept 15 - Battle Gardening

by Vera Carver

The team gets debriefed - the rift area is being blocked off. Discussion on when/if to let people back to that area.
Vera finds Kia, explains the kids' situation. Gives her 10 gold for them. Kia tries to refuse, but Vera threatens lightheartedly to give it to the kids implying it'll go to candy and toys otherwise. :D
You do the fancy talk - points stone at Seb
"This is Seb, dealt with bugs, all dead ... maybe? Know where they entered, not closed yet, almost died several times, survivors found, crashing at inn"
Reply: "I heard. Rest well. Team taking care of closure based on intel you provided. Return after debriefing."
Seb asks for a place to sit eat and drink. Says to find the loudest place.
The Purple Worm Pub
Gnome band on stage
Find a table at the back.
Seb drops to a chair, bag on the table - 'stick your hand in and rub my ball'.
Melody prestidigtates himself w/ a snap of the fingers
Offers stories of Fey, quick no! from Seb and Marya
round of the house stew and bread
Seb orders drinks - fruity/sweet
Given an orange red liquid - fremented juice, wine adjacent
and a pitcher of water
band plays - some older elvish music
Vera scoots over to Marya, and says: "Well, at least we got this knocked out in a timely manner. Can work that vacation time into family time maybe." (*Side convo happened in chat - see below.)
Seb inquires about the friendship between Melody and Komaria
Melody - Depends on what you mean by that.
Komaria - We work at the same place.
Seb - How widespread is it?
Giving you info Komaria wants info Asks why Seb is gardening in battle, flowers suddenly appearing and all. She continues on as Seb stammers a bit, and says they aren't widespread in Wildemount, primarily they are in Tal'Dorei.
He finds it odd that the two of them are both here then.
Melody says they are currently working a little more... independently.
Seb: So, not with the thing?
Melody and Komaria both explain it's not so structured. As long as you're kind of working towards their goals.
Maybe she'll quit soon? No, you can't quit once you're in.
Both are over emphatic that it's "Not a cult", offers to get him in. Asks if Seb has an instrument. Can he play anything?
Somehow Seb decides to say he can play... Gets handed the viola from Melody.
Gets the posture right, looks the part and as soon as he starts to play...
an absolute terrible performance overall.
Vera glances sideways at the sound of it, and notes to ask what that was all about later, then returns her attention to Marya.
Melody - "Maybe give him 5... 10 years of practice?"
Komaria - "Another time?"
Melody - "When we're horribly drunk?"
Seb - ... "So is that required for your particular cult?"
Both - "It's not a cult..."
Seb - "Sure."
Melody says no, but it is a method of communication.
Seb asks Melody outright - we were here on a job, so what the fuck are they up to?
Komaria: You were in a jewelry shop, did you take anything?
He says he's not that type, doesn't go for trinkets, material items. Sentimental stuff more.
A contrast to Seb's very dashing appearance and obviously self-mended clothing.
They ply their trade through tales, matters of the heart. Seb glances at Vera and Marya, still deep in conversation and responds "I can get behind that."
Melody says it's opposite to where they come from, but that's a reason they left.
Seb asks about the bugs, Melody was following them - how far, what did they know about the things...?
He says he followed them from The Miskath Pit, got caught up in something bigger than expected, ended up here. (Group doesn't know much about that area. Possibly mentioned briefly by Quana when discussing the corespawn.)
Komaria mentions we might get a bigger payout having Melody who has info on the bugs.
Small talk about whether Melody is going to come with the group. Works for them for now. Seb asks if Komaria will vouch for them, she clarifies that the two lines of work don't comingle. Can probably find a place for Melody to stay.
Melody asks where Sebastian's from. Menagerie Coast, far from home, but doing good they suppose. Would rather do that at home though...
Melody could probably set them up with work at home, not sure about the doing good though. He comes from a sailor-ly family. Seb says not for him (boats).
Family makes coin in a way most people don't care for (their way of doing things / line of work). Doesn't have to involve sailing, but again, not focused on doing good if that's a need.
Vera/Marya side talk:
Vera leans to Marya "Well, at least we got this knocked out in a timely manner. Can work that vacation time into family time maybe.""
Marya "Hopefully, though with our luck... no sorry, just tired and borderline abrasive at the moment. I don't know about you, but I won't last very long today, unless I get myself drunk and hit something or someone. Probably will be able to think about them after a good nights sleep.... hopefully at least."
Vera gives an understanding nod, glances around "I think this place will have plenty of folk looking to throw a few punches later on! Will be very happy to be 'home' though. Get an early start tomorrow and head out. For now - drinks are on Seb, take advantage."
Marya sighing deeply. "Maybe, would be a pain to explain that our local point of contact tomorrow, because I can't guarantee that I'd hold back today. There's just sooo much annoyed frustration in me at the whole stuff that happened lately, people hunting us, people taking advantage of us, random stuff falling on our heads.... ugh. Sorry, I'm ranting. Should probably stick to the non-alcoholic stuff."
Vera "Understandable." Looks at her glass. "It's just water... so not nearly as satisfying after the day we've had. Seb's having enough of a day though I think I should stay sober. I wonder if Kia or one of her guard knows a place to go get punchy for ya?"
Marya also going for water. "Yup and it's probably gonna get worse to be sober around drunk people, but a good idea for someone tos tay sober. And interesting idea, might go for that, though also too tired to actually go looking for Kia or any kind of fighting ring. You probably know the feeling, when your heart says yes, but your body very clearly tells you that it's not willing to support this endeavour?"
Vera "Yeah, I get it. At least you can keep it in mind for next time you're itching to blow off steam." Clinks her water glass to Marya's. "For tonight, here's to surviving."
Marya clinks her glass with Vera's. "To surviving and to continuing doing so." She then takes a big gulp of water. "I dunno whether not understanding a word those people are singing makes the music better or worse."
Vera Had been digging in her pack for a chewy granola bar to hand to Marya, looks up at the comment and just breaks out in a kind of post-adrenaline exhaustion laughter.
Marya hesitating for a long second while her brain slowly catches up to why Vera is laughing, also gives her a slight smile. "Didn't even think this could be seen as a joke. It was just the most normal thing I could concentrate on instead of talking about the water or bread."
Vera "It's fine. The music is... an experience. Six languages and I swear, I'm always ending up where I still need to know more. Going to have to find a library somewhere soon. Granola?"
Marya eyeing the granola for a second. "How about sharing one after we've dealt with this savory stuff? Also agree about the language stuff, can communicate more or less in 4 myself, but so far most haven't been all that useful. Not that many halfling communities around where we've travelled."
Vera "That works." Sets the bar down on the table, still wrapped. "Maybe do some practice together sometime? When free time is a thing again."
Marya gives a slight nod. "You sure about that? Our fighting styles don't really lend themselves to be used against each other."
Vera More laughter. "Oh gods, I'd be flattened in one swing I'm sure! I meant the languages."
At this point Melody is listening in, and pipes up with an offer to fight - but Vera says it's not her thing.
Talk of sparring, finding a fighting ring - possibly back at Rhosona. Melody mentions they are more brain person. No one is interested in sparring with those kind of skills anytime soon.
Discuss what was seen whilst they held the stick/staff. The creatures in some other plane, and they had an awareness of Seb "being there".
With a comment of "too much noise, time to rest" Marya heads off to the inn.
Melody calls out Seb, it was not missed that he's dodging the gardening question. Seb says to ask on the trip back. Melody protests, Vera speaks up and pushes back. It's been a long day and we should rest. Seb leaves at that point.
Vera changes seats to check in with Silver. Tries to let her know that while it probably doesn't feel like there's another option at the moment, her presence in the group is appreciated. If she does decide to leave, Vera would help. She deserves to have a life of her own.
Komaria affirms that they are friends, and hopes Silver knows that.
Komaria admits she doesn't know what to do with the hat of disguises. Vera assures her no one would be shocked by this revelation.
Talk about the stick, Komaria lamenting its loss. Bad stick, been bad places.
Vera goes off to bed.
Komaria tells Zintris that when they get back she wants to start the amnesis process.