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Thu 21st Oct 2021 05:15

Oct 14

by Vera Carver

Vera gets a disappointingly bland cloak. And no change. :p
Melech wants to confront Archie. There's concerns on how involved he is and what repurcussions could come about poking him.
Zintris needs to go home and visit - but doesn't want to draw attention.
Seb and Zintris go to an empty lot to practice w/ the new sword. Seb wants to make sure his skills are still up to par.
Komaria 'watches them go at it', and recognizes Zintris' fighting style has carried from her past life. Though her physical form is slighter than it used to be, it's 100% still distinctly (old name). "Casual centuries of fighting experience" NBD
The group goes to sleep -
Vera - nothing happens
Melech/K'Van - nothing happens
Melech asks K'Van to keep watch from the roof. He contemplates what he could ask Tourmaline to craft for more protection for his familiar.
Zintris and Komaria takes over for last watch. They discuss the sparring - and Komaria mentions recognizing the movement. Zintris is still skeptical but also feeling some of the dejavu at the back of her mind.
Komaria goes to bed - Marya gets up.
Marya asks Zintris for some dirt on Melech. Tells some embarassing baby stories.
Discussion on age.
Zintris starts to say she's 346... then corrects to 22.
Marya asks about any childhood crushes. Zintris denies any. Just family.
Zintris asks how "all this" happened. Marya fills her in.
The next morning, head to Tourmaline's. Stop at Zintris' house on the way. The Silvergrove home is slightly nicer than the Lavont's.
Greeted by a 10 year old girl, she leaps forward and nearly bowls Zintris over.
The group are shown to the living room. Mom's cooking breakfast, Dad seated at the table.
Frantic rush for food.
Talking to wolves.
Leaving the house - Melech spots someone out of place. Short military cut, scruffy chin. Clothes are clearly all new.
Follow - manage to make group deception and stealth checks...
Dagger taken by Zintris
Melech finally manages to convince him to give up who hired him - but he asks for an escort out of the city. Melech correctly guesses he works with Archie. Adlers - Luca went on a trip.
was studying w/ archie to be a doctor
Seb asks what he was supposed to report
as he begins to answer, a dart is hit in his neck
Melech stabilizes him
Komaria cures the poison
Komaria manages to spot someone in a cloak and punches them
we break there