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Thu 14th Apr 2022 06:28

April 7th - Quana's Quest

by Vera Carver

Confirmed w/ mirim that we are not needed, enough wall closed up to handle it and we can leave to inform Quana
We get flagged down by a soldier who says we are expected, and urgently needed
Led into the Lucid Bastion
Quana is talking into a sending stone
tone is tense, ends as soon as we enter
Asks what we have to report
Komaria talks about everything
Reports of them near the blight shore but not this far
Asks where they came from
Seb answers to the north
Possibly from the mtn passages or underdark
Quana confirms some of what we saw
they are fairly intelligent - able to organize at the least
talk shifts to the worm
asks if it was the same as mentioned previously encountered
Marya says smaller
Komaria: So, you're sending an elite team?
Quana: No. If I wanted that I'd send someone else.
Me: Vera and Seb both sigh
If word comes back from Noara that help is needed / anything related, we would be asked to go. And there might be actual pay rather than just returning the favors already given (aka defending the wall for housing the families). Marya asks how long it might take, as she has family coming in soon. It's a few days travel there, shouldn't take long depending on what is needed.
Vera Carver leans over to Marya "Family comes first, if anything needs prioritizing we'll sort it out."
Marya Silverstring nods. "Thank you, appreciate it. But yeah, getting my family to pack their life into bags, then dragging them into a completely new city, I'm definitely not going to have them arrive here without me being here."
Zintris asks about the housing out by the wall - how many live there. A few dozen families, a few hundred people at most. Quana says there are other pressing matters, than building nicer houses.
Komaria asks about the mithril holy staff - not allowed to keep it.
Then mentions Quana was going to work on requesting some custom items for Komaria, and asking if that will happen.
"It's been less than a day!"
Potentially provide something in lieu of some of the monetary compensation.
Zintris whispers not to push her too much.
Successfully argues the case (persuasion) - Quana agrees to see what strings can be pulled
tactical genius
Quana escorts Komaria to return the staff
Vera asks about the potions - is given a restock for what was used