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Thu 13th Apr 2023 06:17

Apr 6 - Wink wink, nudge nudge

by Vera Carver

Group continues to distrust the movtives of the requestor
We strike out with our small squad of soldiers
Stepping out into the dry, bleak landscape - it's a short hike to the small encampment of tents.
Lord BF ties up his hair at our approach, helmet tucked under an arm.
We find the travel will be about 10 days.
Going to pass through Incanter's Rest if going straight through, which is not recommended.
Can avoid it instead by sticking near the mountains - adds a day.
Or stick to the coast line, no extra time added but heavy dangers.
Vera: Incanter's Rest used to be a battlefield -- can have MAJOR undead creatures from ages past. He's not exaggerating when he says it's not a good idea to travel through...
Virdan: The coast is home to a lot of pirates and mercenaries. It is also naturally magical in ways most areas are not. The mountains are a bit more dangerous than average, but still mostly expected dangers.
Vera sends a message: Choosing to cautiously accept request. Taking 6 soldiers with. Will report in as needed. 10 days journey. Lord has about a dozen with him.
Response: Confirmed. Reconfirm status every hour.
First few hours go by - Seb makes sure to try to get to know the group.
Marya keeps an eye on them for suspicious behavior.
Towards the end of the day's walk, there is a loud shout from the South. Humanoid in pain. Seb takes off to help , Marya chasing Seb "there shouldn't be anyone out here alone, you know!". The rest of the group follows.
We come upon someone with their leg trapped in a rock crevasse in the same clothes as the Cerberus group.
Several with better perception hears a chittering noise nearby, as a flying creature comes in. We are hit with poison.
Vera gets hit extra hard by it.
Komaria leaps after the creature and strikes it. A crawling one comes down the cliff and attacks her.
Virdan summmons a vexgit. A little gremlin fey creature appears with a hammer and bludgeons the bug.
Vera hits with the crossbow, and yells out not to bother with fire after getting confused by the poison burning through her.
One of them snaps at Komaria and does max damage! 38 pts...
Manage to kill a few, the rest escape.
He and two others were miffed about being left behind. Lord only wanted to take 12 with him, and they set out after. Vera asks roundabout if Marcus has a thing for Alex. He is confused at her flirty presumptions.
Vera asks where the others were - Southwest ish in a cave
Marcus. Short hair, 20s, elven background based on the ears. Confirms bugs are getting worse/increasing. Starting to attack near base/patrols.
Lord finally catches up, gets the breakdown, scoops Marcus and carries him off. Vera gives a knowing wink to Marcus when Lord turns around. Marcus remains confused.
Troop makes a stretcher. Head to the cave. Small amounts of blood, no signs of 2 soldiers. Marya follows scent in cat form. Find 4 flying creatures have been torn apart.
Chunk of flesh on the ground.
Come to a larger cave.
Vera's falls back a little to send a report: "Small skirmish with bugs - group survived. Found wayward soldier of Lord AB. Attempting to locate his missing squad before continuing travel."
The light flickers on a large green gem. It then sweeps up to see more gems. And finally reveals a scaled beast, 100ft long, embedded with gems. The enormous sleeping eye opens... and we end game.