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Tue 21st Jul 2020 07:13

20200704 Fireworks! Both a goddess and a woman.

by Jesse Devonshire

She's like a Naiad, a Treant, a Dryad, and a Goddess all rolled up into one!
I've been wanting to see her for so long now, and she was everything I expected and much more.
Yiara said she is keeping three of the caravan survivors safe deep under water, but they are suffering from early stages of scurvy. Miro knows exactly how to cure that.
The guy causing all the trouble is one of those types that won't die for long if we kill him, like a lich or something. We would have to find his true-heart, or true-spleen, or whatever. Oh, and he has a problem with Marcos. I wonder how soon I could get a message to him.
Also, there is a she-devil working for the guy, but she would be perfectly happy if he woke up dead-dead some morning. She (or maybe both of them) are hiding in a dead-zone, like null-magic, or wild-magic, or something. There's a maybe crater Northwest of here. It seems to me like meteorites often bring wild magic, and some good steel incidentally, so you don't have to make it yourself from ore, or so I have read.
So she gave us a really good plan. (She has the greenest eyes with little brownish specks; they sparkle.) We will head to town first to get provisions. Then we will split up the party. Wrong Way will carry citrusy goodness back to Yiara to cure the sick. The rest of us will take on the Lich, the She-devil, and the plant army of doom in the magic-free zone, and hit them at night, when they are less powerful. Because, plants. And anyway, we will probably have to fight them in a cave or something, and Wrong Way is much safer in the air.
Then with them out of the way, we just have the hell-cow revolt to put down. Then the town and the Bisheri Caravan are safe.
Yiara tends a beautiful oasis and she knows like everything. I could spend a lifetime happily here.
Wrong Way had to burst my happy little bubble of dreams. He says I'm rutting out of season, and she's way out of my play-ball-league. I guess he's right, just because he usually is, but I'm certain I won't be able to even think about another woman for the rest of my life.