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16th Mithusar, 836PD

Farewell my friend

by Enessa Saeness

I don’t know what to say, Abbil. Ceridwen is leaving us. For good, this time. Last time, in Whitestone, I think I always knew she would come back, but I think not all of her came back to us. Not really.
She tells us she’s not had the summons yet but has a feeling. Of all the ragtag bunch we are, I would trust Ceridwen’s instincts the most. I’m sure when we return to Whitestone, she will be picking up the parts of her that she left behind and do exactly as she said she feels is coming – return to her Holy City and to Bahamut.
I will miss her terribly.
Perhaps I should have seen this coming. Perhaps it is it coming so soon after Wind’s so abrupt departure from the group that it hurts more. Yet I think not, I think you and I both know, Abbil, that sad as I am to see Wind go, it is not the last we will see of her. She will remain in Westruun and our paths will cross again. That Tiefling was never meant for the rough and ready road life. I will miss her too, yet I know it will be weeks, not years, until I can drink and laugh with her again.
Ceridwen, though, I would count as my closest friend. My closest real friend, Abbil, you don’t count. And Ussi is a cat. No, she was my closest friend in and among the family we have developed. And unlike Wind, she is going to be gone. That’s my feeling.
I couldn’t find the words to tell her all of this, of course, and I think doing so would embarrass her. She has said I can write to her, and I will. I will tell her how we forged something magnificent out of the breaking of the Unbroken, through Orlando’s skill binding our mettle.
Yet I’m drawn to how Ceri first seemed to me. I had seen Aasimar before, at home, but not one so… so upright. Stalwart. Just plain nice. I tried to follow her example in Bel and found something in myself that I didn’t think was there any more. I tried to follow her example when everything with Sabali came up and failed miserably. I just felt so sorry for the unfortunate thing.
I find that my truth is split somewhere between Ceridwen and Lord Raphael. It’s not as pure as Orlando’s and Sabali’s. It’s not as mercenary as Zeni’s and Wind’s. Nor is it as playful as Simeon’s or as resolute as Arin’s. It’s a mixture of Rafi’s distrust and desire for quick, decisive action and Ceridwen’s methodical dedication to her enlightened purpose. The “right thing”.
Since Rafi and I cleared the air, we have reached an understanding. Yet I do not think he would appreciate me leaning on his friendship as I have Ceri’s. So, I will talk to you, Abbil. I will talk to Ussi.
This change – is this what families are? My family was never still. Never quick and decisive and certainly never trying to do the right thing, for all their own “enlightened purpose”. We were never all united, even some of the time.
The Unbroken is more than a family, I see that now and it can be more still. It can be an idea. It can be the idea that whoever you are, wherever you start from, we are all stronger together and that the simplest of adventurers can become the most hardened of warriors for good in this world. It can show that world that there’s more than cowering before threats, be they evil or just whatever authority they find themselves in conflict with (Ceri would not like that) – but there’s an opportunity to stand up for each other. To help. To do the right thing.
I believe Ceri has taught us all that. I think she leaves us better than she found us. I think she leaves us ready to be more than a family. We are ready to be an idea.
Oh, and there’s some new woman too, Abbil, we’ll have to see about her…

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