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Mon 1st Nov 2021 11:15

Keep Life

by Enessa Saeness

Everywhere I go, it seems I can’t escape being revered. Whether it’s the heir to my mother’s Den, the Longbow Lady in Drynna, or here, Lady Enessa of the Longbow Legion. It seems I am born to rule, Abbil.
It was good of Erik to come. He didn’t have to do that. I know these hunters are not soldiers. I know they had a good thing going. I will make sure this place is a better thing than that good thing and make sure it’s more than worth their while.
Which is why this vampire has to die, Abbil. You see the thing is, he’s messing with my family. Not just my Unbroken family, but those under my watch and I will not be like my family when it comes to that. I will not send people to slaughter under my banners for the sake of what is RIGHT or what is NEEDED – my people will not be slaughtered at all. I will teach them everything I know and I will learn from them, too, to make me better able to lead them.
So much has happened in such a short space of time. Ceri and Wind leaving, Simeon and Tarathiel joining and now we’re indentured servant lords to the realm of Emon. It’s a strange way to ply our trade as adventurers, setting up such secure and binding roots. I don’t mind life up in the trees, but the thing about roots is they’re hard to pull up. Even when you need to pull them up. Once a tree is grown is has already become more than you.
Yet I have a good feeling about this. I think this is going to be the start of things being a bit easier for the Unbroken. Squash this gnat of a vampire, then set our minds to the real task of this Cult of Therizdoun, whatever useless relic that old thing is. I think I know a few more powerful beings personally already.
What a strange few months.
I’ve met the representative of one god, met a powerful Fae being who has given me the most wonderful bow, and that…thing from my past has reared her head again now I’m interesting to her. Well, the spider has made a mistake at least, I can fight her now and I have one god and a fae thing that might as well be a god on my side.
So bring it, spider and bring it, little vampire. You’re quite good at the spy thing, I’ll give you that, but what you did to one of our own will not go unanswered. It was just going to be you. Now it’s all of you. Every single last one.
We’re about to go and see what’s what in town now, so I’ll cut this short. I’ll be back tonight with tales of the vampires’ ashen burials, I’m sure.
I think, finally, that everything is going to be ok.

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  17. Keep Life
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  19. Letter to Ceri