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24th Duskar 835PD


by Enessa Saeness

We just murdered someone, Abbil.
I mean, the guy deserved it, I wouldn’t have asked Rafi to do it otherwise. He wasn’t spilt milk and I’m not crying. But it’s still a first, for me. Sure I’ve killed people, but only ones who have been attacking me, the other Unbroken or the innocents. This guy – I can’t even remember his name, by the way – this was just straight up choosing he should die. He would never have found justice here. Leaders never do, even if they’re only religious leaders. His congregation were just sitting watching him about to burn his own daughter alive. Those people weren’t going to see him convicted.
It would make them wrong.
I’ll find out what settlement this was, where the girl and her father were from. I’ll need to know to make sure I know to never lift a finger to help any of them.
Gods, he was persuasive, though. Not as persuasive as me, obviously – although I do have to throw a nod to Zeni for backing my play up. I didn’t telegraph it very well to the others, I think they thought I was going back to what they think was my old ways, but I had a plan. Sure, they didn’t fall for there being Ravagers nearby, even with Zeni’s clever audio ruse, but it did give Sabali a chance to do something incredible and get in, and out, with the girl, completely unseen.
The guy doesn’t get enough credit. He saved her life.
Although, is he a guy? The cat doesn’t get enough credit. No, that doesn’t sound right, that makes him sound like Ussi. Who by the way had totally fucked off tonight looking for rabbits or something, he was nowhere to be seen. Not like him. He knows it as well, I can hear him trotting alongside the wagon now. He doesn’t normally go out of my sight… Anyway, I’m sure he’s fine.
Someone else who doesn’t get enough credit is Rafi. The guy didn’t even question my judgment when I asked him to kill the priest guy. He just did it without another thought. As if he trusted me. It certainly makes me trust him more – whatever his initial motives may be, Rafi is a good guy. A moody fucker, but a good guy.
I’m beginning to think they might all be good guys. Killers, each and every one. But good guys.
Like Erik. He’s a good guy. He told me to take care of myself before I left. Oh, Abbil, I don’t know…it’s not safe to get involved with me, even as a friend. He doesn’t like to fight people, he told me as much. He didn’t’ ask to come with me. It didn’t cross his mind. It’s not like that. But…he’s a good friend. He agreed to keep an eye on things in Westruun for me and get in touch with Arin if there was anyone asking about us or something he thought we should know. But if he doesn’t want to fight people, then maybe he shouldn’t even do that. I trust the Unbroken to fight with me at my side.
I trust them all to kill.
I don’t think I want to bring Erik to that. It’s a party he doesn’t need an invitation to. Because…half of me thinks he’d come along to see what the party was like. He’d bring his bottle. And I think we’d spike it.
He also clearly doesn’t get it. I can’t look after myself. I need the Unbroken to do that. I can play a part, but one Drow Longbowman in this world won’t get very far on her own. None of us would. There’s too many left to kill, for that.
Anyway, I need to go and make sure the girl is ok, although Zeni is…surprising me with doing that for us at the moment. Sabali is obviously keeping her entertained, as well. I can’t believe he won that strength contest, he’s even weaker than I am. Although I’d bet that the orcish woman let him win, I saw her winking at him. I didn’t see him later in the night, either, after he got into trouble with that wine vendor for picking up a barrell and chucking it at a wall, smashing the whole thing… well, good for him. He needed some fun.
Oh, and Abbil, there’s a new guy. Simeon. Another guy banging a god’s drum. Although funnily enough, it’s Rafi’s pretend god that Simeon bangs on for. He and Sabali seem to have hit it off quite well. I wasn’t too with it on the first morning we left Westruun, but I did notice he was coming with us as far as Whitestone. I noticed it mainly when I woke up the next day and he was still there. It suits me fine. It’s a shame to see Arin stay behind, but I understand. It’s what he wants. He’s found a home, somewhere and something to focus on that will make it and him better.
So I guess on to Whitestone. And Orlando’s demon. I’ve never met a demon before, I wonder if they’re nice.

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