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13th Cuersaar, 835 PD

Dear Cat God...

by Enessa Saeness

I feel strong! Cat Man was trying to play fight again today. I didn’t fight too hard, let him win a few times, but matching him for strength was easier! When he wins, he gives treats, so I let him win more than I normally would.
Afterwards, Queen and I went hunting and I tested this new strength out on boar in the woods. Not that strong yet. Quick enough, now, but not strong enough. Queen helped me like normal. I love her so much!
I wish she was happier. I let her stroke me and she smiles, but her eyes do not smile. With the others she seems happy and strong, leading their hunt, but when we are alone in our room, she seems worried. I hear her heart beating faster and there’s more moisture on her face.
I don’t understand why they all sleep separately, they are more at risk that way. At least I am here for Queen.
Can you help her? I know you are Cat God, not a two-leg god, but if there’s something you can do or something you can help me to do for Queen then please do. Maybe you can speak to Cat Man and he can do something. Does he know you?
I wish I knew your name. I dream of you. You stride the sky jungle in two bounds, hunting the infinite. We ride with you there, the wind rushing through our fur and teeth, as they bare, our prey rushing near. I never see the prey, Queen always wakes up as we near the kill. I know one day you will show me what we hunt and we will all feast.
I thought the woman who looked like the ones hunted was also to be prey, but Queen decided she wasn’t to be harmed. I watched the others, making sure they did as Queen wished, just as I always do. I like them all, especially Cat Man, and I like Metal Lady because Queen likes her. But what Queen wants matters more than anything. Queen was kind enough to ask me about them when they were mouth-flapping round the fire, and I gave them all my blessing as my fellow pack members.
There are other cats here, but I don’t know what is wrong with them. They are slaves, it seems. They do not run with the hunt. They…cower. This group do not cower. They are hunters, like my Queen, that is why I like them.
But the thing that appeared in the Forest…it was not prey and it was not a hunter like Queen. It does not run with the hunt either, nor does it stand by. It was not a familiar smell to me, though it looked like the other two-legs. Its teeth and claws were hidden but sharper than all of ours. Perhaps you could hunt it, Cat God, but I do not think we could. I sensed that Queen thought about hunting it. Queen didn’t seem to heed her senses properly. I was ready to give her warning should Queen move, as was Metal Lady, I could sense that, but thankfully Queen thought better of it.
I hope we do not encounter the thing again. It might look like us but it wasn’t us. And I do not trust Queen’s instincts with it. As leader of the hunt, Queen could and should not brook a challenger, but I do not think this thing is hunting the same prey as us.
Queen stirs. Hooray! I wonder what today will bring. I hope we get to hunt and play.

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