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15th Cuersaar, 835 PD

Letter to Rebur

by Enessa Saeness

My dear Rebur
I’m not sure whether to give this to you or not, however I have grave concerns about where we are headed next. I know if I speak to you, that you will do…whatever it is you do to make me feel better with your words, and I don’t want you to do that any more.
From what you told me about Westruun when I first…when I arrived, I’m not sure it is a place I will blend in. In Drynna, I could make myself useful, and Drynna seems to be a place where if you are useful you are accepted. I don’t know if that is the case in Westruun. I guess I will find out. At least I won’t be alone.
The thing is, darling, I’m not sure this is the way to make a first impression in Westruun. This job is one that sounds simple, was presented to us as simple, but as Ceri rightly pointed out but perhaps to the wrong person, it is anything but. I feel the less you know about the job the better. At least you will not hear it from me.
It seems to leave our Paladin confused. I’m not sure Ceri is used to this feeling and seeing her like this is troublesome to me. I will try and speak to her on what appears to be a long journey ahead of us, but I don’t think I am the person to quiet her worries, for I share some of them.
Sergeant Boom suggested to us all that if the request for help had come from another source we would not be hesitating as much as some of us did. This is not true for me. The monetary concerns of a city’s population are for that city’s population to overcome, not me. They are alive, they have roofs over their heads and they are as safe as we can be in this world. They are not in the need of saving; the means of their salvation lie within their grasp. Likewise, The Clasp seem able to handle their side of business without the aid of eight outsiders, so the threat to their business or to the criminal underworld from another syndicate does not concern me.
Wind’s wellbeing, however, does. That is my only concern here. If we are to continue as a group, if The Unbroken are to become the force to be reckoned with that I know you hope, although you will still not tell me why, then we need to be together, fighting for each other no matter what. There has to be trust and for there to be trust there has to be stability. Wind is a wild creature. A creature of instinct and passion and I can relate to that. She has some skills with locks, with words and in…persuading people. In a different way to our “other” Paladin, who by contrast to Ceridwen, seems mightily unconcerned with the idea of breaking the law. His morals are his own, of course and not for me to judge.
So, I will protect Wind, with what I hope is not my life. I also hope that it is not at the cost of the reputation we are building or the direction we are heading in. Which I very much hope one day you will tell me about because frankly, I do not believe you when you say there is no future plan, even if that plan is not yours.
I also need to ask you a favour. If we are to be gone for some time, and you receive any…correspondence for me, I wish it to be relayed to me as quickly as possible. By whatever means possible. I will tell you where we are staying when I know. It is very important and I will pay whatever is necessary for this and trust what is enclosed here will cover any initial expenses on your end. You know I am good for the rest when I return.
Which is when I will see you next. The Unbroken will not break as a result of this. I know this. I just wonder what group will be coming back.

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