Upon returning from our adventure in Veradin, Murg recieved a vision from Abadar, telling him about an evil force that is coming to this world and threaten civilization.
The next day we headed out on horseback for Seteth's Rest, a 3-4 day journey. On our second day, we encountered cloaked bandits -- magical of some type, who turned out to be Vechti.
The Insurgents
The dark hunters we encountered were spellcasters
(and assassins), led by a warlock beholden to some fey creature. This caster summoned an
annis hag, and almost killed us all.
From the disaster (a caravan the insurgents had attacked), we rescued a small boy, Alistar. He wants to return to Bezia to become a cleric under Jazirian, the Peacekeeper.
The Road Ahead
Alistar speaks of more dangers on the road, perhaps worse bandits. His late father had learned from the bandits (who now lay slain) that Mishvi, one of the darker cities of the Confederacy -- magical, and dangerous, has been a center of strife and anti-Bezian sentiment.
Who knows what lies on the road before us.