Divines to Know - A Quick Deity Guide

A quick(er) guide to the important deities of Aanrah. Mostly includes deities that will be more thoroughly developed and/or are particularly plot important to the happenings!

Greater Gods


The Riunivarmen chief God of Judgement and Balance, Ciurte is the patron god of the High Elves - but unknown to all but him, is not their real creator. A weaker divine being who tricked Eiylsweir out of his power, Ciurte pretends to be someone who's life he's assumed. Secretly cruel and scheming at heart, Ciurte works on how to overthrow his two 'allies' - Yalidil Rana and Zwinwele - in hopes of taking over the Common Pantheon as a whole. He is the husband of Norve.


The Lakrakian God of the Dawn and Day and chief deity with his rival, Oʻis-i-Dhejāha. Ehes-i-Hoqā is a staple of Lakrakian folklore, where he serves as a well-meaning trickster who uses his wiles to get the Sun back from Oʻis-i-Dhejāha. While not as strong as many of the other greater gods, he is a trusted voice amongst the gods who has the well-being of mortals at heart. He is the husband of Kīʻanūzʻ-nō-Zuh.


The Outsider God of Magic often considered part of the Common Pantheon, Emrul plays a important role on Aanrah as the ultimate keeper of magic itself - that is, until Szaifudrus went back on his deal. Now Emrul is a somewhat unwilling patron deity of all wizards, trying his best to herd mortals who have access a power he didn't ever want them to have - while doing his own absolutely amoral research.


The Common and Riunivarmen God of Death & the Afterlife, Evermore is Aanrah's Grim Reaper. Appearing at the end of everyone's life, divine or mortal, Evermore takes the departed to the afterlife - and steadfastly keeps just about anyone from resurrecting. Assumed to be a sort of mindless automaton based on their behavior and lack of interactions with other, Evermore plays a careful game of their own, including seeking a time to kill their 'brother', Ciurte.


The Firstborn of the dragon gods made when the World Mother Bukrkry† split herself into five pieces at the start of the world and the Drylvuian God of Hunger, Darkness, and Fire, Maholdymyndr is a power-hungry wyvern seeking to slay his brothers and take on their mother's full power. Having already slain Deiahdrahl† and Droontastah†, Maholdymyndr has grown wildly in strength and is a incredible threat to Aanrah - as his cultists believe, he will someday slay Brástaath and Jodiirook before consuming Aanrah itself. For the better or worse, Maholdymyndr is currently missing in the modern era, but few believe he's gone for good...


The Riunivarmen god of Justice & Truth, Norve is the wife of Ciurte and considered the second in command over the Riunivarmen religion - though in modern times, that title is slowly sliding onto her 'ally' Roncte. Norve struggles to uphold justice within her pantheon, blind to the corruption spread by her own 'husband' - who has made her and the world forget that he was never really her husband to begin with. She has become the key point for the Attref Pantheon's attempt at taking down Ciurte.


The Annasolish God of Treachery, Betrayal, and Ambition, Oreik is the patron of the Dark Elves. Born from the spilled blood of the moon god Morden Oeru†, Oreik is said to be to blame for Honoun's Collapse. Cursed by Yalidil Rana to be unable to speak the truth, Oreik seeks retribution against the true reason for his creation and the death of his people's family and home - Yalidil herself.

Ort / Thasca

The King of the Fae and the Náian God of Forests, Woodlands, and the Lost, Ort is a mysterious being who brought the Nurí over to Aanrah from their old world. Fickle and dangerous, Ort is known for spiriting unsuspecting mortals to the Fae realms to never return, bitter about Aanrah and his history with Zhia Tyali. He is Bound to Bróbh Boíg.


The Lakrakian God of Dusk and Night and the chief deity of their pantheon with Ehes-i-Hoqā, Oʻis-i-Dhejāha is the usual villain of many Lakrakian folktales. He is said to steal the sun every evening and to cause night time, before the Sun is stolen back by Ehes-i-Hoqā. Despite their mythological rivalry and his position in it, Oʻis-i-Dhejāha has a benign nature towards his rival and has no desire in the destruction or harm of Aanrah and its inhabitants.

Sen Srrgrrlus

Once a outsider, Sen Srrgrrlus is the Weg'olw'chyen God of Storms, the Ocean, and Merfolk. Often found at the center of a giant storm, Sen rules the sea with a iron fist as a several mile long deep sea merfolk. Despite this, she is the adoring if somewhat off-putting 'aunt' of Ua Oeru, and aids in protecting the Hidden Isle from Yalidil Rana and outsiders.


The Queen of the Demons, Talatarael is the Nymauti God of the Underworld and of the Demons. Talatarael is said to have lead her people from another world to Aanrah, and now watches over The Underworld as a refuge to everyone and anyone. She is known for her friendliness and promiscuity.

Yalidil Rana

The creator of Benshuen, Aanrah's last moon, and the chief Yuenhüuian God of Beauty and Grace, Yalidil Rana is the core of Benshuen's culture and their true leader. Though she presents herself to the world and the Common Pantheon as a good-hearted and noble woman, she is behind Morden Oeru's death and the disappearance of Baza (and, thus, Ineyale Phor†'s death.) Cruel and scheming, she plots how to destroy her rivals Ciurte and Zwinwele to control the Common Pantheon alone.


Beloved father of the Sun Elves, Zwinwele is the chief Ntubuian god and God of the Sun, Innovation, and Invention. Zwinwele, unlike the other two chief deities of the common pantheon, is a genuinely good-hearted and well-meaning god who believes that Aanrah and all its inhabitants should thrive and enjoy the world they created. He is blissfully unaware that his two compatriots plan to murder him.

Intermediate Gods

Bróbh Boíg / Browai

Once a mortal, Bróbh Boíg is the common and Náian God of Bards, Music, and Storytelling, and is the closest Aanrah has to a 'main character'. Predicted by the Fae Fortunetelling god ʻiatthaḑa to outlive Aanrah itself, Bróbh Boíg is considered to be the "Witness" to many gods - expected to see the events of history unfold, and to recount them truthfully. He is a folk hero and legend to the persecuted and the Devil's Advocate of the Hero Deities. He is bound to Ort and husband to Dathi.

Cremioque / Crilloque Levom

The Riunivarmen God of Mercenaries and Invasion, Cremioque Levom is the older brother of Sete Levom. A mortal that ascended next to his brother and Graiü Szkü Jü during a nasty war, Cremioque has since drifted away from the roles of neutrality and a soldier and become a part of the Attref Pantheon - a herald of evil. He now has taken major charge of the Riunivarmen pantheon of darkness in hopes of leading Norve astray and dismantling their rival Pref Pantheon.


Once a mortal adventurer, Dag-Mountain-Breaker is the Mögchin God of Battle & Pride. Usually considered a part of the Hero Deities, Dag-Mountain-Breaker is a stern but kind orc berserker known for his heroic deeds as a demigod defeating Cilhahyn and his escapades with Tme'tzim.


The Riunivarmen God of Murder and Weakness, Ecurno sees himself as the leader of the Attref pantheon - albeit often in conflict with Frec-Sym's assumption of the same role. Cruel and aggressive, Ecurno seeks the destruction of the Riunivarmen pantheon and the fall of Aanrahn civilization as it stands.


The Riunivarmen God of Bloodshed, Slaughter, and Brutality, Eu is a eternal terror and threat to battlefields across Aanrah - showing up when the fighting turns for the worst to add into the mayhem. His defeat at the hands of Cremioque, Sete, and Graiu is what allowed the three to ascend into demigodhood. He is the attack dog of the Attref pantheon.


The daughter of Zwinwele and the twin sister of the Ibis Man, Fear is a chaotic entity who feeds on the fear and suffering of others. She is the boogieman across Aanrah and the villain of many tales and stories - and many real life events. A constant thorn in the sides of other deities and a eternal threat to mortals, Fear stops at nothing to see the world crumble and burn.


Both the Nymauti and Riunivarmen God of Villainy and Exploitation, Frec-Sym prides himself as the strongest of the more evil-aligned deities and believes deeply that he will soon ascend to greater godhood, cementing his position as the leader of the Attref pantheon. He is a expert schemer with no moral boundaries, and the ultimate source of many of Aanrah's problems.

Harin of Clan Zhuo

The Common and Yuenhüuian God of Taverns, Inns, and Rewards, Harin of Clan Zhuo and her establishment are known for randomly appearing at various roadsides across Aanrah. Her inn is known for its astounding service and prices, and is often a hot spot for adventurers who know how to find it. Harin herself is known to act as a sort of quest giver and rewards dealer for herself and others, including gods, which makes her inn all the more popular with those looking to make a few extra coins.

Havalra Morningcutter

The Common God of Paladins and Knights, Havalra is one of the first mortals to ascend to godhood, and is one of the foremost Hero Deities. She is a incredibly popular hero in legends, with many of her great deeds memorialized in the most popular and well-known tales on Aanrah. She is a brave warrior with a heart of gold, who believes in the power of Good. She is the wife of the Ursztü I Fellkieftószíszuh.

Huai / Prince Düyuun of Clan Ihuanan

Once the prince of a powerful nation on Honoun in the days before Aanrah was even finished, Huai was cast down and exiled for his steadfast views against isolation from Aanrah itself. Aided by Iuin of Clan Lan in saving his immortality, Huai eventually turned to Oreik after Honoun's collapse, swearing fealty to him in exchange for giving up his moon elf form. He has since become the Annasolish God of Exile and Hardship, and the patron god of exiled moon elves.

Ibro / Iederua

The second daughter of Norve and Cremioque Levom, Ibro is the Riunivarmen God of Bravery and Courage. Seen much more favorably then her older sister Ionsien and half-brother Iueritorne, Ibro fights hard for fair treatment of her siblings - and her mother, for that matter. She has a difficult relationship with the others in the Pref pantheon, but is determined to do right by her family and her people. She is the consort of Moerse.


The Drylvuian God of Conquest and Domination and the son of Maholdymyndr and a unknown human, Kegrøiilœn has taken over Gezralahdnat in his father's stead. Aggressive and cruel at heart, Kegrøiilœn none the less has made the Gezralahdnat Territory a last bastion for dragonkind, seeking to keep them from being wiped out after he believes his father abandoned them. He hopes to hold the Gezralahdnat Territory as a defensive position before they can push to take back more territory.


The Lakrakian God of Fertility, Spring, and Celebration, Kīʻanūzʻ-nō-Zuh is one of the most popular gods among the birdfolk. Motherly and joyous, Kīʻanūzʻ-nō-Zuh is a friendly god with a pleasant personality. She is the wife of Ehes-i-Hoqā and is well known for her relationship with Bayu and Hümch-Clan-Carrier.


The Mögchin God of Guidance & Courage, Kölda-Torch-Bearer is considered one of the foremost wisdoms of the Mögchin culture, next to Sügolt-Old-Wisdom. Many orcish tales feature Kölda-Torch-Bearer as a guide for the hero, or as the one who sends the hero on their journey. He's not uncommonly met by non-orcs and non-Mögchin as well. He is the husband of Hümch-Clan-Carrier and the older brother of Xoshk-Wood-Cutter.


The Common and Drylvuian God of Protection and the Upper Atmosphere, Léookobrah was once a mortal who sacrificed his life to stop Honoun from fully crashing into Aanrah. His sacrificed saved millions, and through their belief and hope it is said he was brought back as a god. He now patrols the skies in case any of the remains of Honoun shift into the atmosphere.


Liss is the son of Zwinwele and the Ntubuian God of Architects, Building, and Creativity. He is popular among the sun elves and is considered the most 'true' of his father's children. Despite his popularity, Liss is rather poor at managing his followers, and is easily caught up in his projects. He is the lover of Bangitfi and Bróbh Boíg.

Lufege & Lugeuete

Lufege is the Riunivarmen God of Silver and Cruelty, while Lugeuete is the Riunivarmen God of Gold and Arrogance. The two are considered each other's counterparts, though the definition of that tends to vary between translation and source. The two are some of the most commonly 'worshipped' Attref pantheon, even by common folk. They are commonly called upon when the people are displeased with rulers and leaders, and have been known to even personal remove hated leaders themselves.


Ort's mount, Mun is the Náian God of Rot and Decay. It is most often seen in accompaniment with its rider, but is sometimes seen on its own in deep woods. Though it is usually seen as a sign of danger, Mun itself is not usually dangerous - so as long as Ort is not there to give it orders. It will only allow Bróbh Boíg to be its other rider.

Nme Boryr

The Common, Náian, and Annasolish God of Thieves, Cunning, and Wit, Nme Boryr is a ascended mortal known for his ability to steal from even the most difficult of targets as a mortal. He is usually considered part of the Hero Deities, though some scholars and Hero Deities themselves argue with this. Though his morals may be a bit loose and his fingers a little sticky, Nme is a generally good-hearted and well-meaning man.

Nnol Nywichallumngi

The Common, Ntubuian, and Weg'olw'chyen God of Pirates, Deserts, and Sandstorms, Nnol was once a famous pirate captain in the days before Honoun's collapse. He was slain at sea, and 'returned' as a ghost - before eventually ascending to divinity through infamy. He is a interesting case study to scholars as a being who is only a imprint of another one, without a soul, who attained divinity. He is a friend of several members of the Hero Deities, but in no world would ever be considered one himself.

Póthaa Tcthoclóm

The Common and Náian God of Rangers, Archery, and Huntsmen, Póthaa Tcthoclóm is considered the youngest of the Hero Deities. Once a mortal hunter, Póthaa became so well renouned for the skill that he both ascended to divinity as well as earned the attention eventually affection of Zhia Tyali herself. A bit standoffish and bashful with his fellow Heroes, Póthaa takes his job as a deity seriously, even if he's still new to it.


The Riunivarmen God of Lies, Apathy, and Guilt, Quede is considered a unusual deity in his expression of his domains. Fully capable of caring and telling the truth - and more often to tell the truth then not - Quede puzzles and perplexes scholars and fellow deities alike. He has taken a certain liking to Norve and by some extension Sete, and seeks to bring down Ciurte with the rest of the Attref pantheon - albeit not for the same reasons.

Sete / Ser Levom

The Common and Riunivarmen God of Defense and Soldiers, Sete Levom is the younger brother of Cremioque Levom who ascended with him and Graiü on the battlefield. More soft-spoken and reserved then his brother, Sete struggles to balance his position as a deity but still within the mindset of a mortal. Sete finds himself repeatedly with the choice of slaying his once-beloved older brother or sparing him despite the atrocities he's committed, and his feelings for Norve.


The Progenitor of Mortal Magic and Common God of the same, Szaifudrus was a mortal cursed into being a monster after breaking a pact with Emrul and ultimately allowing mortals to learn and use magic. He is currently trapped at the center of the The King's Labyrinth, and houses Baza itself in his chest - a anchor made by Yalidil to prevent Emrul from taking magic from mortals once and for all. Regretful and tired, Szaifudrus spends his days delving into magic to stave off the inevitable insanity of his isolation.


The Common and Drylvuian God of Funerals and Graves, Tahtvokoolah is a quiet and wise being known to answer unlikely prayers to those lost and mourning. His visage is a common sight in graveyards and places of the departed across Aanrah. He is one of the few beings who claim to have ever truly spoken with Evermore.


The Nuríian God of Pestilence, Spiders, and Intoxicants, Thaiyy is a ancient fae who turned himself into a monstrous spider-like being through experimentation. He is considered one of the greater dangers in the Faerealms, and even in deep woods outside of it. Horror stories of his cruel experiments and kidnappings haunt Nurí and Náian folklore alike.

The Ibis Man

The son of Zwinwele and twin brother of Fear, the Ibis Man is the Common and Ntubuian god of Dreams and Hope. Well beloved across Aanrah and a common visitor in people's dreams, realized or not, the Ibis Man seeks the best for Aanrah's inhabitants and is one of the greatest defenders of the world and its people. He is in constant battle against his sister's attempts at destroying it, much to his dismay.

The Night Hunt

The Ntubuian God of War, Werewolves, and Underdogs, the Night Hunt is the proclaimed king of The Kingdom of the Night Hunt and the creator of the Night Elves. He is heralded as a legendary hero to the night elves who came to them in their time of need against their enemy, the Nyakon, and granted them Lycanthropy - allowing them to overcome the enemy and protect their homeland. The Night Hunt is a aloof but protective god known for frequently joining in on the hunts of his people.

Tme'tzm Far-Traveler

The Common and Inlelish God of Travel and Adventurers, Tme'tzm is one of the most well known Hero Deities. She is the patron god of adventurers and often prayed to for safety and good luck. Almost all stories of the Hero Deities involve her in some form, making her a staple name across Aanrah. She was once a mortal, like the other Hero Deities.

Ursztü I Fellkieftószíszuh

The Common and Klertyhdi God of Good and Heroes, Ursztü I Fellkieftószíszuh is the most well-known of the Hero Deities and likely the most well-known ascended deity. He exemplifies all heroes and many adventurers, and has some of the most profound and popular tales and legends associated with him. His battle against Deiahdrahl† as a lesser god is one of the most well-known tales on all of Aanrah. He is the husband of Havalra.

Uzuenshai Ueltohüon

The Annasolish God of Assassination and Shadows, Uzuenshai is the first and most well-known apprentice of Oreik's. Once a mortal, Uzuenshai earned his patron god's attention with his covert skills, and continues to be a god called upon by the best assassins or even for assassinations himself. He is one of the deities most actively sought for slaying by the Hero Deities - but despite this, he is in close connection with Nme and Bróbh Boíg.


The Nymauti God of Ascension and Power Sought, Wolqyyis is a unusual god that was once a mortal human - that turned himself into a Nymauti demon and ascended. Leader of the surface Nymauti country of Ojec Yneytl Xor, Wolqyyis rules from where he's trapped inside the Ascendant's Spire. He is the foremost researcher of Nymauti Names, and is said to even have been entrusted with a portion of Talatarael Name.


The Common and Mögchin God of Warriors and Power, Xislebshür-Battle-Heart is one of the members of the Hero Deities. He's a popular figure among fighters and adventurers, and is a major part of many legends and tales on Aanrah. Like the other Hero Deities, he was once a mortal.

Lesser Gods



The son of Nuhen and Oreik, Ainba is the Annasolish God of Secrecy and Hiding. Though strongly disliked by the surface world, Ainba is considered a patron of those fleeing from persecution on the surface, and isn't one to particularly dig into other's business. He understands his position as Oreik's son is a precarious place in the world of divine politics, and prefers to stay out of it. He is the husband of Datual.

Ark I Fellkieftószíszuh

The daughter of Havalra and Ursztü, Ark is the Common and Klertyhdi God of Nobility. While divine born and ineligible to be truly a part of the Hero Deities, Ark is well known for accompanying her parents on adventures, and has several feats and tales to her name alone. She is fierce and convicted in following in her parent's footsteps, even if she may not quite have the same knack at it that they do.


Bangitfi is the Ntubuian God of Dance, Theater, and Storytelling. Friendly and cheerful, Bangitfi enjoys spending her time with mortals, a common sight in theaters or on street corners. She is a popular goddess and often prayed to by creators of all types, even those who's domains might not be in her wheelhouse. She is a close lover and companion of Bróbh Boíg, Liss, and Bayu.


Bayu is the Common and Ntubuian God of Grain and Rebirth, and is a common sight near her many shrines and during harvest celebrations. Friendly and sociable, Bayu enjoys mingling with mortals, and is known for becoming lifelong friends with even the most simple and common of farmers. She's well known for her relationship with Bayu, Hümch-Clan-Carrier, and Kīʻanūzʻ-nō-Zuh.

Boiiiiv Book-Bringer

Boiiiiv Book-Bringer is the Inlelish God of Writing and Cunning, and one of the most prolific historians and writers on Aanrah. Having ascended next to Bróbh Boíg, Boiiiiv aids in recording the events of Aanrah in perhaps a more clinical eye then his associate. To the side, he's thought to be the author of a good handful of fiction novels and poetry books under different pen names.


One of the sons of Deiahdrahl and Talatarael, Cilhahyn is the Nymauti and Drylvuian God of Lava and Hellfire. Known for his terrible temper and aggressive nature, Cilhahyn is the central villain of some of the better known legends in Aanrah, involving his attempt at traveling from the Underworld to the surface and his subsequent defeat by the Hero Deities. He spends much of his time skulking beneath the earth since his embarrassing defeat.


The Riunivarmen God of Mercy and Kindness, Culta is Norve's most fierce and devout follower. While a bit of a klutz and a airhead, Culta works hard in supporting Norve's choices and agency within the Pref Pantheon, and is a popular god among the common folk in the Riunivarmen religion. Though she means her best, she's not the greatest and accomplishing what she sets out to do.

Dathi / Mamh Thafufiút

The Náian God of Witches and Witchcraft, Dathi is a mortal who ascended into godhood in more recent years. Largely frowned upon by the Hero Deities, Dathi happily walks the line between 'good' and 'evil' parties, with many allies on both sides. She is the wife of Bróbh Boíg and a love of Ort's.


The child of Quede and a monster, Datual is the Riunivarmen God of Secrets & Forbidden Knowledge. Much hated by the Pref Pantheon for their abilities and the dangerous information they've uncovered, Datual spends much of their time hiding in the Underground under the cover of Oreik then on the surface with their followers, gaining almost as much of a following with the Annasolish as they have with their own religion. They are the partner of Ainba.


A honorary member of the Hero Deities, Geaphroth is the Common God of the Harvest and Dogs. Friendly to almost everyone and a frequent addition to the Hero Deity's adventures, Geaphroth is a loyal companion and beloved by many people. He is commonly seen at harvest festivals, where he is often fed in abundance and given a great deal of good pets. Who's a good boy? Geaphroth is a good boy.


The Mögchin God of Mothers and Family, Hümch-Clan-Carrier is the patron god of most orcish clans. Hümch-Clan-Carrier is known for extending her protection and aid to people who might not even necessarily consider themselves mothers, including fathers and adoptive family. Her guidance and advice is taken seriously among many orc and Mögchin communities, and her symbols and shrines are some of the most wildly found. She's well known for her relationship with Bayu and Kīʻanūzʻ-nō-Zuh. She is the wife of Kölda-Torch-Bearer.


Mostly harmless and fairly whimsical, Ing' is the Common and Weg'olw'chyen God of Ponds, Rivers, and Frogs. Despite his look, Ing' is one of the oldest Weg'olw'chyen deities, and uses his unassuming look to gather intel for Sen Srrgrrlus. He is a common sight on the mortal plane, and is known for playing with kids and making sure they make it home safe.


The first daughter of Norve and Cremioque Levom, Ionsien is the Riunivarmen God of Impurity. Given a rough hand in her divinity and cast aside into the Attref pantheon despite her upbringing and mother, Ionsien tries to keep her head down and out of trouble of either side. The extremely questionable circumstances of her birth have made her ill-met by those on the Pref side, while her maternal linage has made her a easy target on the Attref side. She spends much of her time hiding from either side, usually only in contact with her mother and siblings.


The son of Norve and Quede, Iueritorne is the Riunivarmen God of Denial. Always grown up hated by the Pref faction, Iueritorne has much fewer problems sitting in the Attref pantheon - though he has little power there and little care about contributing to it. Unlike his siblings, he is as close with his father as he is with his mother, and any planning he does goes through Quede first - and would never involve the harm of his family.


The Lakrakian God of Hospitality and Feasts, Kitjo'ras-i-Yed is a enthusiastic and perhaps overly-energetic god that is known to be the host of divine-lead festivities. Known for his loud voice and overly dramatic gestures, Kitjo'ras-i-Yed is well-meaning but perhaps a little overly nosy about gossip and what is happening in the world of the divine - making him the go-to source of information for many. Kitjo'ras-i-Yed isn't really aware of this, but is more then happy to share what he heard while pouring you a glass.

Lorwor Pokha

The Common God of Alcohol & Attraction, Lorwor Pokha is a common sight in bars and taverns across Aanrah. Always looking for a good drink and a good time, most taverns have a shrine or nod to him somewhere, and his presence at an establishment is considered a sign of good luck and good business. He's a bit of a disaster and more then a little bit of a manwhore - facts that haven't changed since he was a mortal.


The son of Sen Srrgrrlus and Jodiirook, and clutchmate of Eto, Lwʼǔlwʼngʼalwʼ, and Shlofh, Mglw'nilw' is the Weg'olw'chyen God of Warm Seas. A common sight in the seas around Aanrah's equator, Mglw'nilw' is a friendly and exuberant god who enjoys to chat and spend time with passing sailors. He is the 'cool' (and only) big 'cousin' of Ua Oeru, and one of the few people on Aanrah who know of her existence.


The secret son of Roncte and Ciurte, Moerse is the Riunivarmen God of Patience and Loyalty. Troubled by his knowledge of his origins and the implications of Ciurte's infidelity with Norve, Moerse struggles to act on his loyalty to his parents, or loyalty to the concept of the Pref pantheon in which he serves. He is the lover of Ibro.


A ancient Nymauti demon from before Aanrah, Oxynsic is the Nymauti God of Crime and Criminals. Always up to trouble, he is one of the most popularly summoned demons and the cause of a long slew of issues for the surface, Underground, and Underworld alike. Not even Talatarael's scolding deters Oxynsic from causing trouble, which has earned him peculiar allies and a long list of enemies.


One of the sons of Maholdymyndr and Talatarael, Prár is the Nymauti and Drylvuian God of Greed and Hoarding. He is known for having one of the most exuberant hoards on Aanrah. The ultimate collector and purveyor of treasure, Prár is known for going out of his way to acquire rare goods in any means possible - including showing up himself to 'acquire' them. He is the clutchmate of Yyh.

Qaugákh Zahiteneug

The Annasolish and Nymauti God of Ghosts and Torment, Qaugákh was a mortal necromancer who ascended to divinity. She keeps close ties with the Annasolish pantheon in particular, but her upbringing in the Nymauti culture has earned her a fair following among the demons. Spiteful but distant, Qaugákh keeps largely to herself and to the divine of the Underground and Underworld.

Ruliell Rageshine

The Common God of Sorcery & Sorcerers, Ruliell Rageshine would likely be a part of the Hero Deities were it not for her short temper and poor manners. Largely hated by her peers due to her antagonistic nature, Ruliell is well known for causing trouble and leaving others to deal with the fallout, making her a less-than-popular god despite her domain.

The Revenant

The Common God of Revenge & Vengeance, the Revenant is a bizarre and unique case study as perhaps the only being known to come back from the dead, truly and honestly. Supposedly revived by Evermore itself, the Revenant serves as a sort of divine vigilante who is only sometimes thought of as a Hero Deity. He serves no other masters and acts on his owns beliefs and forms of justice, to the chagrin of the Hero Deities. Equally uniquely, he is the only being on Aanrah to own a gun - a revolver, gifted to him by Ceátth from Earth.

Tsakmik 'Nu' Pine-Wood

The Inlelish God of Cooking & Food, Tsakmik is a elderly gnome that appears in her cottage at random across Aanrah. Anyone who visits her will be treated to a hardy meal and the attention and pestering that only a old grandmother can give, for the better or worse. She's a genuinely friendly and kind soul, and the good friend of many divine and mortals alike - even if she can get tiring to be around.


The Common God of Cats, Runaways, and Orphans, Wanderer is a rogue figure known for leading packs of street urchins and being the ultimate source of street knowledge. Highly distrusting of others, the Wanderer has few allies, but prefers to stay out of trouble and to keep their followers out of trouble as well.


The Nymauti God of Deals and Gambling, Yris is a ancient Nymauti demon who has a worse reputation then how he actually is. Often grouped in with Oxynsic and the origin of the term 'deal with a devil', Yris is surprisingly fair with his terms and does not, despite popular myths, make violently one-sided gambles. Or at least he doesn't with those who don't know better.


The daughter of Maholdymyndr and Talatarael, Yyh is the Nymauti and Drylvuian God of Ash and Embers. Soft-spoken and far more gentle then her family, Yyh is known to aid heroes, divine and mortal alike, through the Underground and Underworld, often simply wishing to avoid unnecessary conflict and slaughter. While her motives are often questioned, any ulterior motive she might have is well hidden. She is sometimes seen above ground around her father's old haunt.

Demigods & Unknown Deities


The Abyssal Sun, Okẽpluyxtai is the largely unknown god trapped at Aanrah's Core. Okẽpluyxtai failed to become the Sun in the early days of the world after a bet with Eiylsweir, causing them to melt down and ultimately be imprisoned in what would be Aanrah's core to prevent them from destroying everything. They are the patron god of the mysterious Cult of Embers


The Ungod, Eiylsweir is a anxious and deeply manic being who straddles the line between divinity and mortality, existents and non-existence. They frantically search for what they believe is lost, lacking memories or context for their existence. They were once the original Judgement before Ciurte took their position in a lost bet. They hide within the Inbetween.

Ua Oeru

The secret daughter of Morden Oeru† and a member of his honor guard, Ua was rescued from Honoun's collapse by Ehüur. She now resides on the Hidden Isle with Iuin and Zhün as her adoptive guardians, unaware of her linage and that she might someday become a goddess of one of the moons. She lives a blissful life perpetually as a child, capable of only surviving at this stage by being in contact with the fragment of Honoun that makes up her island home.

Iuin of Clan Lan

Iuin of Clan Lan is a demigod that once was once the wife of a prominent member of one of the Honoun Royal Courts. Mortified by the practice of exiling moon elves to Aanrah to die a mortal death, Iuin spent her time seeking ways to grant immortality again on exiled moon elves when attempting to ban the practice failed. She was eventually exiled herself, but ultimately had discovered the medicine she was looking for. She became violent rivals with Zhün before Honoun's collapse, during which the two put aside their differences for the world that abandoned them. She now serves as Ua's adoptive mother.

Zhün, the Exiled

Zhün the Exile was the first necromancer and then the first lich, now a demigod. Exiled from Honoun after trying to raise the dead to take over, he turned to his necromancy and discovered lichdom as a way of extending his life in the absence of his moon-granted immortality. He and Iuin did not see eye to eye on the solutions or opinions of Honoun and its exiles, and were bitter enemies until its collapse. Since, he has served as Ua's adoptive father, biding his time to have the protection of a powerful god.


Ehüur is a absolutely ancient moon elf from Honoun that is often considered a demigod, though it is up for debate if she really is. Old even when Honoun collapsed, Ehüur hides in the Underground in a secret set of caverns known by Oreik and few others. Unlike the others who followed Oreik after Honoun's collapse, she remains as a moon elf, and spends much of her time in meditation. Secretly, she acts much as Oreik's mother or grandmother when he is distressed.
All artwork is drawn by Necr0wmancer unless otherwise stated!


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Feb 3, 2024 15:05 by Mochi

This is amazing! I love all the artwork <3

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