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Originating in the western Wild Mountains in northeastern Adynía, dwarven societies appeared later those of humans and elves, but before orcish ones. A little ice age and pressure from neighboring human tribes forced some dwarven tribes eastwards to Lakú Mountains and others south to the eastern Sjorgús Mountains. The former later migrated to the Darka Mountains, where they discovered metallurgy, and established the first bronze age society and later empire.
Dwarves of Halinkazía and Zameltonía were predominant on the Meldon Plain of central Adynía for millennia and their culture had long-lasting effect on the people there, which are felt even today. Their success initially stemmed from keeping metallurgy a well-kept secret from their rivals, and -after that knowledge spread from bronze age societies in the far east- a combination of using chariots and magic staves in warfare.
The invention of horse riding lead to Zameltonía's downfall and the end of bronze age in much of Adynía. A new dwarven civilization, Katargysía, later appeared in eastern Adynía, though the katargysíans were much more xenophobic and often fought amongst themselves.
After a long decline caused by a devastating plague and subsequent disrepair of their underground cities, Katargysía proved easy target for a wave of human tribes invading from the north.
Today, dwarves are found mostly to the north (Halinkazía), south (Gartaraz-dwarves and Dúnaraz-dwarves) in eastern Sjorgús Mountains) and east (Dalindren, Fazeron and the Kingdom of Refon), with notable minority groups found in the Sikíron Empire and eastern Gysikan.

Basic Information


Dwarves are generally better adapted to cold, mountainous environment than other Adynían peoples; short and stocky, with thick hair, powerful lungs, strong bones and their hands have an extraordinarily strong grip. They are quite agile for their size and possess good footing which enables dwarves to move across rocky ground with ease.
Dwarves or those with significant dwarven ancestry are born with head full of hair, and don't experience baldness with age.

Genetics and Reproduction

Blonde hair and curly hair are both dwarven traits, though the latter also exist in humans as a separate gene.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Largest populations found in and around Darka Mountains, Jóal Plateau in eastern Sjorgús Mountains, Zóken Mountains and the island of Refon. Notable minorities inhabit the Sikíron Empire, Faron and coastal Gysikan.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

When a dwarf is seriously injured, they enter a state known as Fjúrúnsil, during which a rush of healing magic courses through their body to increase their chance of surviving. Since this response depletes their magical reserves, the dwarf affected by it falls unconscious, which hastens the healing process but leaves them vulnerable from attacks.
The effect depends on how much the dwarfs' magical reserves, so a dwarf who had been using magic beforehand would be healed less or, at worst, none at all.
Because of this ability, dwarves were pioneers in using magic staves in combat so that their own reserves were unaffected in case of a serious injury.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

* First to discover metallurgy.
* First to use magic staves, and enchanted weapons and arms in great numbers.
* First to use chariots in war.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Sheep are important in many dwarven cultures, their wool is often preferred even when more practical materials are available, and dwarven cuisine favors mutton and various parts of the sheep as well.

Common Myths and Legends

Animals feature heavily in many dwarven myths, with a special focus on the she-bear, who's widely worshipped as a mother-goddess and patron deity of dwarfkind.
Wolves on the other hand often serve as antagonists, and in many dwarven communities death is likened to a wolf snatching someones soul away.


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