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Regional Advantages

In addition to the advantages characters receive from their Species and backgrounds chosen using the Player’s Handbook, characters all receive additional advantages based on the nation/region they are from. These advantages can be in the form of feats, skill proficiencies, or money/equipment.


Alertness is a way of life for those from Archspire, as is the ability to survive the taiga. As such, characters from this nation gain proficiency in Perception and Survival.


Dwarves are of hardy stock and they teach this hardiness they live and work with. Also, with life often being underground, residents of Beardid often develop a knack for navigating in such environments. Characters from Baerdid may choose one of the following feats: Tough or Dungeon Delver.


The C’Saidin people, though have long ago left their lives of piracy, still find some of thee "old ways" intrinsic to their modern lifestyle. Characters from C’Saidin may choose one of the following feats: Skulker or Weapon Master.

Emberhold Confederacy

Often finding themselves embroiled in the affairs of others, characters from the Emberhold Confederacy gain proficiency with Insight and Persuasion.

Empire of Sharapov

Citizens of a wealthy land, characters from the Empire of Sharapov gain 300 gp and one common magic item at Character Creation or proficiency in Intimidation and Persuasion.


Ironwood is in the blood of those from Irenaught. Characters from Irenaught gain one of the following feats: Durable or Tavern Brawler.

Jaich'iem Wastes

The Wastes are an inhospitable land, requiring cunning and resourcefulness to survive. Characters from the Jaich’iem Wastes gain the Athlete feat or proficiency in Medicine and Survival.


A people of few concerns, citizens of Ma’ar are instead lovers and thinkers. Characters from Ma’ar gain one of the following feats: Linguist or Observant.


Due to their nation’s focus on guarding against the Maeg Anri cult and their minions, characters from the nation of Mordeth may choose either of the following feats: Mage Slayer or Sentinel.

New Aerith

Though not as mighty as it used to be, New Aerith still holds the respect of many. Characters from New Aerith gain either the Inspiring Leader feat or proficiency in History and Persuasion.

Sharian Bryralei Forest

A peaceful people, the residents of the Sharian Bryralei Forest are more aware of the world than they let on as they commune with the land. Characters from the Sharian Bryralei Forest either gain the Ritual Caster feat or proficiency in Athletics and Survival.

Southern Grasslands

Those who might come from the rumored tribes of the Southern Grasslands are adept at concealing their motives and intentions while reading the same in others. Characters from the Southern Grasslands gain proficiency in two of the following skills: Deception, History, Insight, and Perception.


An honest, hard-working people, the people of Tamre are modest and fair with those they deal with. Characters from Tamre gain the Actor or Skilled feat.

Toman Mein

The people of Toman Mein have a history mysterious as their smiles are infectious. Characters from Toman Mein gain either the Lucky or Ritual Caster feat.

Windy Plains

Known for their riding skills and communion with the land, characters from the Windy Plains gain either the Mounted Combatant or Ritual Caster feat.


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