Assesius District Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Assesius District

The area of the city near the Assesius manor is in the northwest corner, near the Azure Mark metalsmithing shop. Popular with travelers and visitors to Brightbough, the Silver Swan is an old and well-kept inn located in the Assessius district. Near the entrance to the city, past the two guard gates on the western side is the Allbright Shrine, an open shrine available to those who respect faith. Anyone seen desecrating, endangering, or threatening another while using this shrine will be immediately removed from Brightbough.   The Azure’s Mark is a well-known and often frequented metalsmith shop run by a widower named Efferil Eranath, a High Elf of once noble affiliation. His wife was part of the Assesius family but once she passed, he let his relationship with the nobles fade. He prefers to spend his time at his work, making exquisite pieces of armour, weapons, trinkets, or anything that strikes his fancy. He cannot be rushed, nor can he be coerced. He takes the jobs he wants, and refuses the rest, without an explanation or breath wasted. Luckily for him his skill is without reproach, so most will give him their business if he will take it.   In the same district, but nearer to the main road is the Silver Swan, an old and very well-maintained inn of high distinction. It is run by a pair of sisters now, named Shala, and Vadainia Galderoll, and they have never wavered in the quality of their food or the comfort provided. Special Elven geese that shed their feathers for these two alone supply the stuffing for the beds and pillows, and local Wood Elf farmers bring the food directly to their door. They have Elven bards singing or telling stories of the old days of the Avariel, or of Elven heroes, with the occasional Starhelm legend thrown in for good measure.
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