Selvarun District Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Selvarun District

South central in the city is the Selvarun manor, known for their great musicians, artists, dancers, and spellcasters. The Selvarun School of High Elven Art is near the Gossamer Grove and its students spend much of their time in the well-maintained park. Golden Bun is a popular Elven bakery in the area and sees a lot of business from the school, as well as from visitors or residents alike. The estate is also near Sheaf Honour, the shrine to Mirriam that is the most recent addition to the religious efforts of the city, although it is in itself over two hundred years old (which is recent for an Elf).   In the central southern section of the city, right below the royal palace, is the Selvarun estate. The Selvaruns are known to produce some of the greatest artists, dancers, singers, actors, musicians, and mages in all of Starhelm. They have established a school where budding artists can hone their skills, called the Selvarun School of High Elven Art. Its many students spend much of their time living life to the fullest so they can put their experiences into their art. Many hard-working Elves appreciate the efforts of these children, but they also wish they could be more productive and realistic about their contributions to the city and the Elven society in general. The headmaster, Tharibol Casthitinerra is a very likable and amiable Elf who encourages his students to learn as much about the world around them by experiencing it through real actions, and not just in books. Many Elf adventurers come from this school and many do not return (for one reason or another). The students love to hear about adventurers, particularly firsthand and spend much of their time in two places; the Dancer’s Dell, or Gossamer Grove.   The park just west of the school is called Gossamer Grove and is maintained by a group of caretakers from Gleamspire, and Sheaf Honour. The students of the school frequent the park mostly, but many families and visitors also spend some time there. An area for ‘impromptu’ exhibitions or plays is available for those who wish to view or partake. A popular bakery located just north of the school is the Golden Bun. An odd Forest Gnome named Pintle Fiddlefan runs the bakery and makes some excellent cream buns, flaky pastries, cakes, and Elven tarts. There is often lineups outside her shop and people will wait for upwards of an hour for one of her cream buns.   Most recently (at least to an Elf) the Sheaf Honour shrine was erected to honour the Shard Mirriam. The Elves of Brightbough were always friendly toward Mirriam but they had not erected a specific shrine to her. By order of the King a shrine was requested and there is a small group of Human and Goliath worshippers of Mirriam that live near Gossamer Grove. The most senior of them is Lania Groveguard, a Goliath of gentle grace that belies her large stature.
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