Teinhathra District Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Teinhathra District

The southwestern section of the city contains the Teinhathra estate. This family is the closest the High Elves get to a mercantile company. There is a general supply shop, with a jeweler’s shop and a poultice and herb shop attached to it. The combined shop is named FILs, which stands for Flax, Imell, and Lye. Skybound Loft, an ancient and weathered shrine to Zayphos is maintained near the path to the Royal Palace. Finally, a cozy little tavern named Featherdust is tucked away near the southwest stream, shaded by some nice Wood Elf homes above.   Right to the south of the western gate, north of the Teinhathra estate, is a useful and frequented supply shop named FILs. Flax, Imell, and Lye, are three partners that have gathered together to run a variety of shops that cater to the everyday or the unique and useful. Adventurers that travel through Brightbough typically stop here to pick up supplies or see what is interesting. Flax, a Forest Gnome, specializes in general wares, trinkets, and gadgets; Imell is a High Elf that produces excellent jewelry and is a fine appraiser of gems; Lye is a Wood Elf that prepares useful poultices, sells herbs, and various potions.   Featherdust is a cozy little tavern where visitors like to relax, have a nice drink, and just forget about the outside world for a while. It has regular guests and very rarely does anything untoward happen there. It is run by a sweet little Halfling named Anna Copperkettle, a recent citizen of Stonebridge. Anna liked the quiet and secluded nature of Brightbough, away from the hustle and bustle of the big city (and the local Midnight Wind guild that was looking for her).   Skybound Lodge is an ancient Avariel temple that has been around since the city still floated. It has more followers than Aspenshield does, but it still does not draw anywhere near as many as Lyradell’s temple does. Out of respect the Elves of Brightbough maintain the shrine; it’s primary caregiver is Uthemar Anastasia, an aged High Elf of great knowledge, and even more arrogance.   Austerile’s is a quaint and down to earth restaurant tucked away in the Teinhathra section. It rests near the stream that connects the Selvarun pond with the Teinhathra pool, and has a lovely view of the palace and temple. The guests often sit outside at some tables or more often on the grassy glades near the stream to eat their meals. It lacks the pomp and circumstance of Blessed Beast and is a nice option for quiet and casual dining. Its owner is a High Elf named Dayerath Austerile, who enjoys the company of his guests, and ensures a comfortable experience for those who visit his restaurant.
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