Gallandell District Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Gallandell District

Located in the northeastern borders of the city lies the Gallandell manor. It is near the eastern gate and a nice, but more moderate inn and tavern called The Dancer’s Dell. The most prominent building, aside from the Gallandell manor is the Brothers in Arms arena.   In the northeastern section of the city, near the Gallendell manor is the Dancer’s Dell, a more moderate and easily-accessible inn, run by a family of Wood Elves. Aust and Valan Othronaus, along with their two children Fera and Nim make their guests feel at home. They cater to those wishing a bit of their own homeland, and the Othronauses do their best to accommodate. They have bards and entertainers from all walks of life regale people with stories of their own homeland, and they include Elven art and poetry as often as they can get away with it. It is a good combination of local and foreign in an effort to bring everyone together. The royal family has decreed that the Dancer’s Dell is an important solace in a world where differences can outweigh similarities. It has been rumoured that the royal children take up their disguises and visit the Dancer’s Dell from time to time.   The Brothers in Arms is a large building in the Gallendell section that houses a number of unique and special areas where the Elves can train, give demonstrations, compete in games of skill, and relax. In addition to the physical arts, the arena also showcases some plays, music, and has a small museum dedicated to Elven artifacts, history, and legends. It highlights the many different aspects of Elven culture and is always open, and vibrant with activity. A number of important people call Brothers in Arms their home, including the master fencer Bethlinen Hadarai; the incomparable thespian Sariel Dalanan; and the master curator Xanathia Tilathania.
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