Brightbough Palace Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Brightbough Palace

In the centre of the city rests the Royal Palace, inlaid with all manner of metals, from platinum, gold, silver, and copper, to Airsteel. It is multi-tiered with a few towers that glint and shine bright. Onlookers cannot help but have their gaze drawn to the palace. Near to the palace is Gleamspire, the grand temple to Lyradell, which is only slightly less impressive. It is a busy place and many adherents come and go into and out of the temple, or spend time around it, basking in its glory. A very casual and down to earth restaurant called Austerile’s does a nice steady business near the temple.   The centre of the city is dominated by two gleaming structures. The most prominent is the Royal Palace of Brightbough, with multi-tiered towers inlaid with silver, gold, gems, and Airsteel. The King, Queen, and their children all live in the palace, along with their servants. The rest of the nobility live in the surrounding manors at the corners and edges of the city. The King’s audience chamber is quite well-appointed with comforts, displays of art and history, and much shiny metals of all kinds. It is busy, with many nobles or guests coming to greet the King or curry his favour. Of late the majority of the business is handled by his wife or children, but the King still has interactions with many who come to visit. The royal chancellor is a kind and noble High Elf named Paelias Teinhathra. He is very good at engaging visitors, redirecting the more difficult conversations, and keeping the palace running smoothly. He is very well-respected by the King and Queen.   In the centre of the palace is a grand courtyard of lush green verdure, tall trees, and a very wise Treant named Brightleaf. The King can often be found here engaging Brightleaf in deep conversation. Brightleaf has not left the courtyard in a very long time, but there is still a path for him to take should he wish to leave the palace, or city.
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