Brightbough Outskirts Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Brightbough Outskirts

Outside the walls of Brightbough are a few places that do some business and are of note, the most popular being Lyradell’s Grape, a winery of fine Elvish vintage. Also nearby to the city is a very interesting and entrepreneurial Wood Elf, named Grazius, who specializes in taking damaged, burnt, or dying trees and crafting beautiful items or selling the wood wholesale. His intention is to have nothing go to waste.   Near to the city but technically on the outskirts are a couple of businesses that are part of Brightbough’s economy. Lyradell’s Grape is an Elven winery that has worked diligently to produce excellent Elven wine from a variety of sources. Their vintages are always fruity and flowery, with a delicate taste. The proprietor of Lyradell’s Grape is a Wood Elf named Dreali Berevan, and he has been perfecting his art for a couple hundred years. He rarely supplies his wine outside of Brightbough but there are those that buy it and ship it out or take it with them. Adventurers are the main source of his wine exportation.   An elderly Wood Elf by the name Grazius has been conscientiously gathering naturally fallen or dying wood and crafting amazing things with it. He has a knack for restoring wood and for ensuring that nothing goes to waste. For wood that cannot be restored he sells it to the city, or to businesses for fire, but those woods that he can restore he makes great furniture, building supplies, or even armour for those interested in such things. He is an odd personality, but his works of art and craftsmanship are sought after by those who like eclectic things.
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