Melleryiel District Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Melleryiel District

Heading southeast, the Melleryiel estate is somewhat unique in Brightbough as it is made of gold, and bronzed wood, without a hint of the silver or platinum of the other manors. A metalsmith shop named Goldwood, near the eastern gate specializes in items made of their unique bronzed wood. Blessed Beast is a fine restaurant that prepares a variety of foods, all locally grown or humanely gathered, making it the epitome of Elven fine dining.   Near the eastern gate, just northeast of the Melleryiel manor is a unique Brightbough offering – Goldwood. This crafter’s shop is impressive in its style and very Elven nature. The owner, Suhnae Amakir is the highest master of a shrinking art of combining gold, precious metals, and wood together to make an aesthetically, and very durable material to craft all manner of items. What was once a very popular style in this Avariel city has now been reduced to one shop, albeit an impressive one. Nobles from all over the south have come to place an order for a special item, be it armour, weapon, or just a large family crest to hang over their mantle. The place is busier than it looks and many of the works are done offsite, by Suhnae himself. His first apprentice Shanaria Gallendell is a bit of a disappointment to her family, but has enormous approval by Suhnae. She treats him like her own father, and someday he will leave the shop to her to continue on the tradition of Goldwood.   A very popular and exclusive restaurant by the name of Blessed Beast is the epitome of High Elven dining. The meat they serve comes from very happy cattle; the vegetables are all locally grown and cared for under the auspices of their chief gardener, a Wood Elf named Carric Greenmeadow. The owner of the Blessed Beast is Bourdain Arnuana, a High Elf of great culture and refinement.
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