Commerce District Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Commerce District

The Commerce District is the largest and most populous district in the city. It is filled with businesses, shops, craftsmen, artists, and a plethora of crafts and services. Many inns and taverns can be found in the Commerce District as well. Items from all over Starhelm can be found in the shops in Avandar. Games from Meadowspring, or instruments from Aspenshield can all be purchased here, but the majority of goods and services are locally sourced and made.   The Grove, the Gnome enclave, is a standout location in the Commerce District and where one of the most popular shops in all of Avandar can be found – The Clicking Clockwork. The Clicking Clockwork is a massive shop that sells all manner of clockwork toys and gadgets to help the people of Avandar and beyond. The farmers that can afford their signature Clockwork Tiller have found it to be most beneficial and increases their productivity greatly. For those that are looking for something more entertaining, a wide variety of clockwork toys can be purchased, ranging in price from a few silver, to hundreds of gold, depending on the size and complexity.   Most of the city’s inns and taverns are located in the Commerce District, but there are some that stand out above the rest; The Lion’s Inn, The Juggling Sealion, and the Inn and Out.   The Lion’s Inn is where many rich nobles or merchants stay when they visit the city. The fare there is superb, and many imported foods can be sampled from their menu. The beds are soft, and the atmosphere is indulgent.   The Juggling Sealion is the most popular inn within the city. Owned by Caroline Hearthbringer, and run by her eldest son Richard, this is the inn people go to if they want a nice, comfortable bed, and a good meal, all at a reasonable price. The Inn and Out is a seedy, cheap, dark inn, that is a popular location for streetwalkers and ladies of the night. Few stay for longer than a night, some even for just a few hours. Not surprisingly, the Closed Book are the owners of this inn and many shady deals go down behind its many closed doors.   In addition to the shops and inns, the Commerce District also houses a few other interesting locations, including the Sheet Press, the Dock Post, and a very popular magic shop called Stardust.   The Sheet Press is where the Avandarian currency is made, and coins are exchanged. Exchanging coins for sheets comes with a 5% exchange fee and many shop owners will not accept coins, or if they do they will charge a premium to mitigate their loss on the exchange. There are still shops that will accept coin, but they are rare. The Union of Shadows have been known to take coin for a slightly less exchange fee than the city, but it is not publicly or widely known. The Dwarves of the Mine can also accept coins, and some upper city Dwarves might accept them also. They cannot exchange coins for Sheets though.   The Dock Post is a large store in the city that is a central point for many travelers, merchants, and sailors. Sellers can set up shop at the Dock Post without the overhead of running their own store, or purchasing or renting building space. Many people looking for work will also make their way here to find employment.   While most of the magic shops can be found in the Scholar District, there are a few that can be found in the Commerce District. The most popular one is called Stardust, and it is at the forefront of new magical inventions. They also have one of the largest curators’ lists in the city, holding over 100 people on their list.
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