Temple District Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Temple District

Residents of the Temple District are religious in nature, which is why they chose to live in this district. This gives the Temple District the most diverse cross-section of races in Avandar.   Most of the shrines, and all the churches and temples of Avandar can be found in the Temple District. There are shrines to most of the gods on Starhelm, but temples are reserved for the Twelve Shards of Alucar, the Sovereign Beings, Denethen, Lutien, Lyradell, and Erswetz. The temples are all located on the city level, with the exception of Denethen’s temple, which is located in the Mines.   In addition to their religious responsibilities, each temple of a Shard also has a civic duty they are responsible for, as follows:   Bruges - The temple of Bruges is in charge of maintaining and running the War Hall of the Reclaimer Curceon – The temple of Curceon is in charge of maintaining and running the War Hall of the Guardian Dranaden – The temple to Dranaden serves multiple purposes; a tavern, a bardic school, and an art store. Any artistic pursuits the city itself engages in are also the purview of the temple to Dranaden Gnurich – The temple to Gnurich is in charge of maintaining the libraries of Avandar, as well as collecting any information to fill the libraries’ knowledge gaps Greegis – The temple of Greegis is in charge of making sure all shops, inns, and taverns are following civic laws and are up to code Josefan – The temple of Josefan is the most common place to hold a wedding. They are also in charge of providing services to children, and pregnant mothers Kleio – The temple to Kleio is in charge of making sure that all buildings and structures are safe and are built to accepted standards Leftis – The temple to Leftis is the spy network of Avandar. They gather information and are on the front line in protecting the city from enemies, or the Union of Shadows Mirriam – The temple of Mirriam is in charge of keeping the crops healthy, and making sure everyone is well fed. They are also responsible for performing the Wave Song to make sure the fish are plentiful and healthy Parfin – The temple to Parfin is in charge of exploration and mapping of the surrounding area Pristell – The temple to Pristell is in charge of maintaining The Centre, and ensuring all council members are properly informed and advised Vocerix – The temple to Vocerix is in charge of the courts, and maintaining the laws of Avandar. The city guard is also connected heavily to The Vault   While the Temple District holds mostly religious buildings, there are others of note that also stand within this district. The Architect’s Dream, a one of a kind, 15 storey apartment is also in the Temple District. Standing over 200 feet tall, and housing over 7000 people, it is the second-tallest building in the city, after The Centre. The Grand Hall, a large and well-appointed building hosts most of the city’s important parties or ceremonies.
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