Martial District Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Martial District

The Martial District is the first place of entry into Avandar. It is small and sparse, compared to the other districts, and is very utilitarian. The barracks, prison, and armoury can be found here, as well as some war halls, a veteran’s neighbourhood, and a nice tavern.   Entering into the Martial District, one must first pass through the main gates, known as Crystal Gate, and head straight into a large building. If this is one’s first visit you are taken through a thorough vetting process where the city can make a permanent file. If successful, the visitors will be sent to be inspected to ensure nothing is being illegally brought into the city and that visitors understand basic Avandarian law. The inspectors are curt, no nonsense, city guards who perform their duties efficiently, and without prejudice.   After passing inspection, visitors can make their way through to friendlier areas, filled with food stands, small novelty shops, and visitor information booths. Making your way further into the city, an air of seriousness fills the area.   To the left is the Black Dungeon, the large prison of Avandar and home to some of the worst people in the city. The prison is run by a joint effort of the churches of Vocerix and Curceon and it is very secure. While it is extremely difficult to break out without the use of magical aid, there have been the odd escape,   To the right is the Hall of Reclamation, home to the barracks, armoury, and war hall. Run by the church of Bruges, The Hall of Reclamation is one of two war halls in Avandar; the second being The Hall of the Guardian. The main focus of The Hall of Reclamation, and most of the military for Avandar is to reclaim lost land on the mainland of Starhelm, or push back Goblin, Lizardfolk, or Fallen forces.   Lastly, there are the Golden Streets, a massive gated-community for any injured soldiers, veterans, retired military personnel, or the families of those who gave their life in service to the city. The apartments in Golden Streets are provided rent free, and offer many services to help the people that live there. In the centre of the neighbourhood is a very nice tavern called The Shining Hero. Many people in the area visit it for a nice meal and to enjoy a pleasant atmosphere with friends and comrades.
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