Farming District Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Farming District

As the name would suggest, the Farming District is where Avandar’s agriculture is maintained. The challenge of Avandarian farming is the lack of land on the island, and the farms take up almost a full third of the usable land. Even after 1000 years, Avandar has only fixed a small portion of the island, and they are able to grow only a small amount of produce. They are very good at maximizing their space though, and innovative techniques have allowed the growing of wheat, rice, and apple and banana trees typically. Utilizing the swamp lands, they have also been known to grow harsher crops like duck potatoes, watercress, cranberries, spinach, chestnuts, celery, soy, taro, and water lotuses. They have a variety of crops now and the city is not in danger of starving. Their limited space has forced farmers to think differently and many use water farms to grow rice, seaweed, water plantains, water lettuce, water caltrops, and cucumbers. There have even been some farmers who have discovered how to desalinate the ocean water, allowing them to use it to grow crops. Most farmers do not have the technology or knowledge to do that however. Avandarians do enjoy importing different foods that they cannot supply themselves, and they love sampling different foods. Restaurants, inns, and small food carts can do a very good business in Avandar.
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