The Centre Building / Landmark in Aerith | World Anvil
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The Centre

The Centre is the largest structure in Avandar, standing almost 250 feet tall. It has a total of 20 floors, with the first 15 being open to the public. The ground level is a beautiful garden filled with many different flowers and trees. Many artists like to set up shop and draw landscapes, people, or items, as suits their fancy. The next five floors function as a large community centre, with places to play physical games, or games of wit and skill. One of the floors is an entire pool of water, open to the public for swimming.   Above the community centre is The Philosopher’s Jewel, a three-floor library, open to the public. Though not as impressive as The Owl’s Rookery in Essillion, or the Archive in Forgehome, it still hosts a wealth of information. It continues to grow as copiers pore over ancient texts or modern works to build the contents of the library.   Making up the rest of The Centre are meeting rooms, celebration halls, and various sitting areas. The top five floors are restricted for civic workers, and this is where most of the city’s duties are handled. The top floor is where the council meets. An enchanted floor, containing various protection glyphs and wards keep the councillors safe. Interestingly, the floor is made of glass, affording a view of those below, to remind the council of what they are truly governing over.   The Centre is at the crossroads of where the five major roads of Avandar lead; Kor Street, Juniper Street, Zekin Street, Thalia Street, and Melvor Street. These streets are named after the five original Avandar Council members in honour.
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