Harbour District Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Harbour District

The Harbour District is broken up into two locations; Old Harbour, on the west side of the city, and New Harbour, on the east side.   Old Harbour consists of about 20 docks, plus the Main Dock. Each dock is numbered 1-20, labeled A on one side and B on the other. These old docks are run down and rarely used as legitimate docks. Mostly fishermen, casual or professional, use these docks to fish off of, some divers will congregate there, but the largest draw are the artists’ galleries that have popped up, showing off some popular works. The Main Dock used to be where the largest and most important vessels would come to harbour; now it is home to The Half-Fisherman, a large tavern and popular drinking spot for most in the Harbour District. Located between Juniper St. and Kor St., is an area in Old Harbour that houses dozens of warehouses, shops, inns, and apartments. The majority of the warehouses in this district are owned by the city, and they hold most of the food reserves, city-made equipment, resource and building materials, and support various civic roles. While Old Harbour is not a rich district, the people that live there are happy. The people have easy access to the art galleries on the Docks, and there are a fair number of shops and taverns in the district.   Most of the Aquian Genasi in Avandar can be found in this district. The close proximity to water gives them comfort, particularly since their departure from the Plane of Water has left them unable to breathe underwater. In addition, Glavanya, the Minotaur enclave is in Old Harbour; a walled area that is infrequently visited by those not Minotaur.   Outside the walled protection of Avandar is a large tent community called the Dock Slums. The residents of the Slums cannot afford to live in Avandar, but they want the relative safety that nearness brings. While the city would like to get rid of them, or at least bring them into the walled parts of the city, they typically leave them alone to fend for themselves.   New Harbour is larger than Old Harbour, with at least 30 docks. Many ships come in and out of this harbour, mostly on their way to and from Brightwave, but stationed at one of the docks is The Green Dragon, the Governor of the Sea’s ship. Cassandra Foremain can often be seen at the docks as much of her time is spent repairing her heavily damaged vessel. Also common at the docks are the pier investigators, ensuring no smuggling is taking place in Avandar. They are strict, but many Union vessels manage to bypass security on a regular basis. Once approved by the pier investigator, the Dock Master needs to be informed of what is being brought in, and how long the visit will be. People on the docks can often be found willing to bring in cargo for coin, or better yet sheets. These people typically do not ask questions, but their pay may increase depending on the contents.
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