Scholar District Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Scholar District

The Scholar District is home to all the schools, libraries, higher-class learning, and a majority of the magic shops. The largest university in the city is Melvor’s Academy of the Unknown. Melv’s, as it is known around town, has around twenty colleges associated with it, although most of them are just minor schools. Six, however, are of note; The Conclave’s Arm, The Golden Plates, The Springfoot Academy, The College of Blades, Melvor’s School of the Unknown, and Gnurich’s Tome. Being a graduate from one of these schools all but guarantees you a job in whatever field you are interested in.   The Conclave’s Arm is the largest arcane school in the city, and it is used as a secondary base of operations for the Conclave of Magic on Starhelm. It is an exceptional school for learning the arcane arts, available for those that can pay the entry fee. Graduating from The Conclave’s Arm guarantees membership to the Conclave of Magic, should the student so choose.   The Golden Plates is the premiere Merchants and Commerce school on Starhelm. Graduating from The Golden Plates affords many opportunities to get hired on at shops, work in any trade, or even to open up their own shops within the city, and is needed if you want to be taken seriously as an Arcane Curator in Avandar.   The Springfoot Academy is a College of General Lore. The school loves to boast of the many famous bards, poets, and storytellers that have graduated from the college. After graduating, the current owner Brindle Springfoot paid quite a fortune to have the school renamed to honour his family. Most do not know how he got the money to do so and many rumours abound.   The College of Blades is the finest school of combat and war in Avandar. Many great military minds have come from this school, where they gained the knowledge and skill to win almost any battle they participate in. Melvor’s School of the Unknown is a smaller school of the arcane arts, designed for practitioners with pre-existing arcane knowledge and skill. People come to improve their talents, practice their art, and gain a more in-depth understanding of the Tree of Magic. Melv’s is not a member of the Conclave of Magic. In contrast, they do not like the way the Conclave teaches magic and is on a quest to prove to the world that there is a better way.   Gnurich’s Tome is less of a school and more of a vast library, with various subjects, including arcane teachings, history, geography, and many others. They house copies of many famous books that can be found all over Starhelm, most notably in The Rookery in Essillion or in Forgehome.   Magic shops in Avandar function differently than in most other locations on Starhelm. The front of the shops are all open to the public, where simple and common magic items can be found; nothing of any real power or cost. In the back, however, that is where the real magic can be found. In order to access the magic in the back of a magic shop in Avandar, one must be on the Curators’ List. By Avandar law, every magic shop requires an authorized curator, who in turn, must keep a detailed list of their items and the buyers. Each morning all the curators in Avandar share their lists with each other, to avoid customers being on duplicate lists. In order to get on a Curator’s List, one must satisfy the following criteria; can you be trusted, and can you afford it. Each member on a list must first purchase their spot with a buy-in cost, specific to the individual curator. Once you are on a Curator’s List you can only buy and sell from that Curator. To remove yourself from that list requires permission from the city, which can be costly and time-consuming. Most people just stay on one list out of ease. Selling magic items is the only exception to this arrangement, and only for the first time. Once you agree to sell to a Curator you must agree to be on their list.   The most popular magic shop in Avandar is Shale’s Home of Magic and Mystery. This shop is run by Shale Goldsbrew, a Dwarvish woman with an exceptional talent at enchanting magical items. Her curator is Voutia Asteia, a Water Genasi and Shale’s best friend. Voutia is a kind, but firm curator, who treats everyone equally. She judges her transactions on a case by case basis, and she cannot be bullied or bribed to be put on her list. Shale’s is also popular with families, as Shale treats children who come into her shop with kindness and patience. Her employees will entertain children with colourful spells, feats of prestidigitation, and amusing stories. Her fair prices, and wide selection make her a favourite throughout Avandar. Additionally, in the Scholar District, one can find the Institute of Knowledge, the official archive of the city, and the Mage’s Hall, where the Chronicle Arcanum is kept. When any magic tests or duels are held it is done at Mage’s Hall, arcane trials and prisoners are held at Mage’s Hall also.
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