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First Battle of Calgurn

The Conflict


The Battle of Calgurn was the first major conflict in the Fireborn Invasion. It followed the raids of the Eivuni settlements in the Westengrenze which incited a counterattack from Count Markos Zarovich. An army of near 700 including hundreds of militiamen from Eivurn and mercenaries from The Fireborn marched through the Calgurn Pass to besiege and capture Calgurn which acted as the gateway into Solstein.


The assaulting army were nestled in the Calgurn Pass granting the defending force the shield of the large chasm which separated the army from the hold. The Fireborn and Militia forces were positioned together though in separate camps until the final battle. The attacking side was led by Commander Osman with The Heroes of Borlun as deputy leaders.   On the defending side only Clan Skov defended the hold despite offers from other factions. They were led by Warchief Skade of Clan Skov.

The Engagement

The Battle started when The Heroes of Borlun snuck across the chasm between Calgurn and the camp. The heroes used new siege weapons designed by gnomes for The Fireborn  they crossed the chasm and entered Calgurn  through the holes designed for the defenders to shoot ballista from. Raz Palatine  and Merric Brownlock managed to secretively reach the top of the walls and lower the drawbridge whilst damaging the gear enough to prevent its re-raising whilst Kanuna and his forces distracted the guards to their position.   With the drawbridge lowered The Fireborn forces led the charge as militia forces assaulted through the ballista holes and along the Gnomish Ballista Bridges. The Heroes of Borlun then proceeded into the various districts of the hold to claim it for their forces. Starting with the market the heroes liberated the Slaves District where they liberated Marie de Maisondeux and had ler command the escaping slaves against their captors as well as the captive Jen Sellick. The Beast Pits were liberated in which Iargo was found and soon after released into Solstein. The Smith's district saw the arms of the Solsteiners taken and the Clerical District was saved from fire by interventions of Merric Brownlock and Caesar Merkstein.     As the districts were secured Yurlek the Builder  opened the gate to the inner sanctum allowing the heroes to duel the Warchief Skade of Clan Skov in two battles; the first alongside her dire wolves and in the midst of the courtyard and again within the great hall alone against their fury. Ultimately questioning by Kanuna that threatened to take her captive led to the warchief choosing to take her own life to ensure she would not be made to betray her people and guaranteeing her place in the Fields of Eternia  Following Skade's death the remaining forces soon began to route and surrender with The Heroes of Borlun choosing to allow them to flee north into Solstein. Those who remained were taken as captives thus ending the First Battle of Calgurn.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Eivurn Controls Calgurn



225 Militiamen 328 Fireborn
164 Clan Skov Warriors


80 Militiamen 30 Fireborn
88 Clan Skov Warriors


Seize Calgurn
Defend Calgurn


  • Calgurn

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