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Half-Orc’s are born of unions between Orcs and usually either Humans or Elves. The term does however also apply to the descendants of half-orcs even though their 'half' status is gradually watered down. Such unions are rarely consensual and as such half-orcs are often expelled from society at a young age and find their way to Orcish societies where they live as second class citizens or slums in their hometowns where they live as pariahs. Like their Orcish kin they are vulnerable to rages but have greater control over their actions. Unfortunately this has led to less sympathy among humans when they do lose control with punishments often being severe.   Half-Orc’s often leave their homes to become adventurers of mercenaries to escape the prejudice of their upbringing and find some glory or justice in life. Those that remain among Orcish communities can grow to become revered diplomats and warlords however and often after an adventure a surviving half-orc returns to spread glory among their home.

Basic Information


Half-Orcs have a standard humanoid shape with one pair of small tusks either side of their mouth which reduce into teeth with each generation of dilution of their Orcish blood. Half-Orcs skin tones and other defining traits are largely informed by their ancestral Orcs sub-species and their proportion of their blood though distinctive skin tones in their other parent can also have a significant impact. They tend to have increased muscle mass that naturally maintains its strength even if the health and physicality of the half-orc depletes.

Genetics and Reproduction

Half-Orcs reproduce through sexual intercourse with other primate descended species. Their gestation period lasts about half way between the gestation periods of the parent species rarely lasting more than 10 months in the case of the longer gestated species.   Half-orc children vary depending on the other parent and the potency of their own genes. Where they reproduce with orcs and half-orcs the children's Orcish heritage is clearer on occasion resulting in them being full blooded Orcs often with only a loose indication of their dillutedroots. By contrast breeding with any other primate descended species leads to children having softened Orcish features and general traits of the other parent. Half-Orc's visual mark is usually diluted away to no longer being so classified within four generations.

Growth Rate & Stages

Half-Orc's mature faster than their normal species counterparts usually reaching adulthood within the first two decades of their life. Most Half-Orc's puberty lasts for three years during which they become capable of reproducing. Half-Orc's mental development occurs simultaneous to their physical development, unlike their orcish parents, but is often slower to fully mature and is often less capable than their non-orcish parents.

Ecology and Habitats

Half-Orc's can be found across Aesalia but often favour either the wasteland regions in which their Orcish ancestors reside or the habitat of their alternative parent. As such Half-Orc's born of a union with a Wood Elf would be as comforted in a woodlands as they are in the wastes. The prejudice faced by these species does however mean that Half-Orc's are as happy, or perhaps unhappy, in any place.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Half-Orcs are omnivores though they tend to have particularly strong appetites for meat. Their traditional meals often include meat on the bones cooked in the blood of the creature and served alongside fermented blood wine. Their feasts do however also include substantial portions of carbohydrates often mashed and piled atop their boned meat which is used as a scoop.


Half-Orc's reflect the violent tendencies of their ancestors and can be both easy to anger and hard to calm. Half-Orc's in rages often claim to hear Gruumsh whispering the cruel prejudicial thoughts of those around them into their ears raising their fury only greater. Despite this they do also possess the unique ability to bridge relations between their more primal ancestors and the other mer races.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Half-Orcs tend to carry lower intelligence than their counterparts but often time this is also brought about due to their lack of education from their shorter chldhood.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Half-orcs possess innate arcanum similar to other Mer though tend to favour martial pursuits if raised within Orcish societies. Half-orc clerics are commonly found to wield the divine power of Gruumsh whilst their other spellcasters are most often [warlocks who have made pacts with extra-planar entities claiming to represent the deity.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Half-Orcs born of a full Elven or Human parent almost always take the name of their non-orcish parent unless born as a bastard and unclaimed.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Sovok Baniir a
Around Two Thirds of their non-orcish parents
Average Height
Geographic Distribution
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